Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Select Item Title Year Published
1996 compliance report : acid rain program. 1997
1997 compliance report : acid rain program. 1998
A Demonstration of beneficial uses of warm water from condensers of electric generating plants / 1980
A state-of-the-art report on intake technologies / 1976
Actions being taken to help reduce occupational radiation exposure at commercial nuclear powerplants report to Senator John Glenn / 1982
Additional analyses of mercury emissions needed before EPA finalizes rules for coal-fired electric utilities. 2005
Air pollution and the regulated electric power and natural gas industries : staff report. 1968
Alternatives for managing wastes from reactors and post-fission operations in the LWR fuel cycle / 1976
An approach to the investigation of the bioenvironmental impact of air pollution from fossil fuel power plants. 1974
An estimate of radiation doses received by individuals living in the vicinity of a nuclear fuel reprocessing plant in 1968 / 1970
Analysis of the financial impacts to the industrial energy user of using coal or municipal solid waste in a new process-steam-generating plant 1983
Analysis of utility control strategies using the LIMB technology / 1987
Analytical multiobjective decision-making techniques and power plant siting : a survey and critique 1978
Answers to frequently asked questions about cleanup activities at Three Mile Island, Unit 2 1980
Availability of liquid fuels from conventional sources for electric utility gas turbines, 1975-1985 : final report 1977
Coal combustion waste manual : evaluating impacts to fish and wildlife / 1981
Comments on EPA's proposed [section] 304 guidelines and [section] 306 standards of perfromance for steam electric powerplants / 1974
Comments on EPA's proposed [section] 316(a) regulations and draft guidance manual / 1974
Comparison of model predictions and consumptive water use of closed cycle cooling systems / 1978
Comprehensive assessment of the specific compounds present in combustion processes. Volume 2, Design for a national survey of emission of specific compounds from coal fired utility boiler plants / 1985
Comprehensive assessment of the specific compounds present in combustion processes. Volume 4, National estimates of specific compounds from coal fired utility boiler plants / 1985
Conceptual designs and cost estimates for E-SOx retrofits to coal-fired utility power plants : project summary / 1988
Considerations affecting steam power plant site selection : a report / 1968
Control of air pollution from fossil fuel-fired steam generators greater than 250 million BTU per hour heat input : 8.0 appendices 1971
Development document for proposed effluent limitations guidelines, new source performance standards, and pretreatment standards for the steam electric point source category. 1980
Do the acid rain SO2 regulations apply to you? : a guide for utilities and other electricity generators / 1994
Economic analysis for the proposed revision of steam-electric utility industry effluent limitations guidelines. 1980
Economic valuation of human health benefits of controlling mercury emissions from U.S. coal-fired power plants 2005
Effect of gas turbine efficiency and fuel cost on cost of producing electric power / 1974
Electric power annual 1982
Electric utility industry; 0
Electrical power supply and demand forecasts for the United States through 2050 1972
Electrical world directory of electric power producers. 1995
Electricity from nuclear energy 1990
Electrostatic precipitator malfunctions in the electric utility industry / 1977
Energy consumption of environmental controls : fossil fuel, steam electric generating industry / 1977
Engineering guidelines for the evaluation of hydropower projects. 1997
Environmental planning and the siting of nuclear facilities : the integration of water, air, coastal, and comprehensive planning into the nuclear siting process / 1977
Environmental radiation dose commitment: an application to the nuclear power industry. 1974
Evaluation of at-sea disposal of FGC (flue gas cleaning0 wastes, vol. 1 and vol. 2 [microfiche] / 1984
Evaluation of granular bed filters for high-temperature/high-pressure particulate control / 1979
Existing and Proposed Fuel Conversion Facilities Summary / 1976
Fabric filtration analyses for three utility boiler flyashes / 1980
Factors affecting the use of CaF2 : Mn thermoluminescent dosimeters for low-level environmental radiation monitoring / 1976
Fluid modeling demostration of good-engineering-practice stack height in complex terrain / 1985
Further actions needed to improve emergency preparedness around nuclear powerplants / 1984
Good, the bad, and the ugly : a report on safety in America's nuclear power industry / 1998
Highlights report solar thermal conversion program, central power projects / 1977
Impact of natural gas curtailments on electric utility plants ... / 1975
Impact of RCRA (PL94-580) on utility solid wastes 1978
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