Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Power plants Environmental aspects)

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Select Item Title Year Published
EPA LIMB development and demonstration program status report (April 1985) / 1987
EPA Office of Compliance Sector Notebook Project : profile of the fossil fuel electric power generation industry. 1997
EPA Office of Compliance Sector Notebook Project. Profile of the fossil fuel electric power generation industry. 1997
EPA regulatory options and research and development information needs : geothermal industry position paper / 1977
EPA utility FGD survey, October-December 1981 : Volume I. Categorical summaries of FGD systems / 1982
EPA/Corps joint memorandum for the field : alternatives analysis under the Section 404(b)(1) guidelines for projects subject to modification under the Clean Air Act / 1992
Estimates of health risks associated with radionuclide emissions from fossil-fueled steam-electric generating plants, addendum. 1995
European legislation (revised LCPD and EU ETS) and coal / 2007
Evaluation of environmental data relating to selected nuclear power plant sites : Prairie Island Nuclear Generating Plant site 1976
Evaluation of environmental data relating to selected nuclear power plant sites; the Nine Mile Point Nuclear Power Station site, unit 1 1976
Evaluation of nitrogen oxide emissions data from TVA coal-fired boilers / 1992
Evaluation of power plant externalities : a land value approach / 1976
Evaluation of the Ames solid waste recovery system. 1980
Evaluation of the feasibility of total conversion to coal firing / 1976
Evaluation of two concepts for protection of fish larvae at cooling water intakes / 1980
Evaluations of electrostatic precipitator performance at Edgewater Unit 4 LIMB demonstration : project summary / 1989
Exhaust emissions from uncontrolled vehicles and related equipment using internal combustion engines : final report Gas turbine electric utility power plants / 1974
Exhaust emissions from uncontrolled vehicles and related equipment using internal combustion engines : part 6 - gas turbine electric utility power plants / 1974
Existing and Proposed Fuel Conversion Facilities Summary / 1976
Extraction procedure and utility industry solid waste : final report 1981
Fabric filtration for combustion sources : fundamentals and basic technology 1985
Factors affecting accuracy of ichthyoplankton samples used in power plant entrainment studies / 1978
Feasibility of recirculating bottom ash transport water in coal-fuelled power generating stations / 1983
Feasibility study on preparing a handbook for environmental assessment of small-scale hydroelectric development in the midwest 1998
Field and laboratory studies for the development of effluent standards for the steam electric power industry / 1978
Field distribution and entrainment of fish larvae and eggs at the Donald C. Cook Nuclear Power Plant, southeastern Lake Michigan : 1973-1979 / 1984
Field study to obtain trace element mass balances at a coal-fired utility boiler / 1980
Field test of manufactured gas plant remediation technologies material removal and handling / 1995
Field test of manufactured gas plant remediation technologies thermal desorption / 1995
Final environmental assessment for decontamination of the Three Mile Island unit 2 reactor building atmosphere final NRC staff report. 1980
Final environmental impact statement : Shelley hydroelectric project (FERC project no. 5090) 1994
Final environmental impact statement : six proposed hydroelectric projects in the Nooksack River basin, Washington. 1997
Final environmental impact statement for Columbia Generating Station of the Wisconsin Power and Light Company 1973
Final environmental impact statement for Fayette Power Project, Fayette County, Texas / 1979
Final environmental impact statement for proposed issuance of a new source national pollutant discharge elimination system permit to Florida Power Corporation, Crystal River Units 4 & 5, Citrus County, Florida / 1981
Final environmental impact statement for proposed issuance of a new source National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Permit to Jacksonville Electric Authority, St. Johns River Power Park 1982
Final environmental impact statement for proposed issuance of a New Source National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Permit to Tampa Electric Company, Big Bend Unit 4, Hillsborough County, Florida / 1982
Final environmental impact statement for proposed issuance of new source national pollutant discharge elimination system permit to Louisville Gas and Electric Company, Trimble County Generating Station, Trimble County, Kentucky / 1978
Final environmental impact statement for proposed steam electric power plant, George Neal Steam Electric Station, Neal Unit #4, Port Neal Industrial District, Salix, Woodbury County, Iowa / 1977
Final environmental impact statement for the proposed Healy Clean Coal Project 1993
Final environmental impact statement on the disposal of decommissioned, defueled naval submarine reactor plants 1984
Final environmental impact statement, proposed units 7, 8 and 9, Presque Isle Generating Station, Upper Peninsula Generating Company, Marquette, Marquette County, Michigan. 1977
Final environmental statement related to construction of Douglas Point Nuclear Generating Station units 1 and 2 1976
Final environmental statement related to operation of Indian Point Nuclear Generating Plant, Unit no. 3 : Consolidated Edison Company of New York, Inc., docket no. 50-286. 1975
Final environmental statement related to operation of Three Mile Island Nuclear Station units 1 and 2, Metropolitan Edison Company, Pennsylvania Electric Company, Jersey Central Power and Light Company, docket nos. 50-289 and 50-320. 1972
Final environmental statement related to operation of Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Station Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Corporation / 1972
Final environmental statement related to the Arkansas Nuclear One, Unit 1 1973
Final environmental statement related to the continuation of construction and the operation of Units 1 & 2 and the construction of Units 3 & 4, North Anna Power Station, Virginia Electric and Power Company, docket nos. 50-338 & 50-339, docket nos. 50-404 & 50-405. 1973
Final environmental statement related to the nuclear generating station, Diablo Canyon Units 1 & 2, Pacific Gas and Electric Company, docket nos. 50-275 and 50-323. 1973
Final environmental statement related to the proposed Fulton Generating Station units 1 and 2 : Philadelphia Electric Company, docket nos. 50-463 and 50-464 / 1975
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