Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Portland Or)

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Select Item Title Year Published
2003 science accomplishments of the Pacific Northwest Research Station. 2004
2004 science accomplishments of the Pacific Northwest Research Station. 2005
A review of standards of performance for new stationary sources, Portland cement industry. 1979
Air Pollution Problem in Portland, Oregon. Report to the Portland Bureau of Health. 1956
Air quality modeling technical support document : National emissions standards for hazardous air pollutants from the Portland cement manufacturing industry. 2010
American Recovery and Reinvestment Act Site Visit of the Clifton Street Sewer Separation and Water Main REplacement Projects, Portland, Maine. 2011
Analysis of propane gain used as a screen on the Portland element III sample / 1980
Applicability of transmissometers to opacity measurement of emissions : oil-fired power and portland cement plants / 1979
Approaches to analyzing data from the Portland study : final report / 1979
Approaches to Analyzing Data from the Portland Study, Task 4. 1979
Assessment of fugitive particulate emission factors for industrial processes / 1978
Atmospheric emissions from the manufacture of portland cement / 1967
Atmospheric emissions from the manufacture of Portland cement / 1967
BMP Modeling Concepts and Simulation. 2006
Burning tires for fuel and tire pyrolysis : air implications / 1991
Burning tires for fuel and tire pyrolysis : air implications / 1991
Cement plant glossary / 1980
Choices for the slough handbook. 1989
Collaborative study of method for the determination of particulate matter emissions from stationary sources (Portland cement plants) / 1974
Comparison of chlorofluorocarbon-age dating with particle-tracking results of a regional ground-water flow model of the Portland Basin, Oregon and Washington / 1997
Compilation and Analysis of State Regulations for SO2, NOX, Opacity, Continuous Monitoring, and Applicable Test Methods. Stationary Source Enforcement Series. Volume I. 1978
Compilation of Air Pollutant Emission Factors. Supplement Number 7. 1977
Compilation of Air Pollutant Emission Factors. Volume 1. Stationary Point and Area Sources. Fourth Edition. Supplement D. 1991
Consultation on the Portland Interstate Air Quality Control Region (Oregon-Washington). 1970
Contaminant Leaching from Solidified-Stabilized Wastes, Overview. 1991
Creep of a Portland cement mortar as a function of stress-level and time / 1965
Data Collection in the Portland, Oregon Metropolitan Area: Case Study. 1996
Demographic, housing & socioeconomic profile of the city of Portland neighborhoods : selected data from the 1990 Census of population & housing STF3A 1992
Description of EPA SITE Demonstration of the HAZCON Stabilization Process at the Douglassville, Pennsylvania Superfund Site. 1989
Description of the ground-water flow system in the Portland Basin, Oregon and Washington / 1996
Design guidelines for agricultural soil warming systems utilizing waste heat / 1976
Disposal and utilization of waste kiln dust from cement industry / 1975
Economic growth and fish and wildlife habitat protection : the promise of low-impact stormwater management in the Portland, Oregon metropolitan region / 2004
Effect of geology on soil mass movement activity in the Pacific Northwest / 1984
Effects of acid deposition on the properties of portland cement concrete state-of-knowledge / 1985
Effects of acid deposition on the properties of portland cement concrete state-of-knowledge / 1985
Elemental atmospheric pollution assessment via moss-based measurements in Portland, Oregon / 2016
Elimination of water pollution by recycling cement plant kiln dust / 1976
Emission Inventory/Factor Workshop. Volume II. 1978
Emissions reductions from inspection and maintenance : Vancouver versus Portland snapshot / 1981
Energy conservation choices for the city of Portland, Oregon 1977
Energy consumption : paper, stone, clay, glass, concrete, and food industries / 1975
Environmental considerations of selected energy conserving manufacturing process options. 1976
Environmental Justice Collaborative Model: A Framework to Ensure Local Problem-Solving. 2004
EPA response to remand ordered by U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia in Portland Cement Association v. Ruckelshaus : (486 F. 2d 375, June 29, 1973). 1974
Establishment of National Emission Standards for Stationary Sources. Volume VI. Portland Cement Manufacturing Plants. 1970
Evaluating design and verifying compliance of wetlands created under section 404 of the Clean Water Act in Oregon / 1990
Evaluation of hazardous waste incineration in cement kilns at San Juan Cement Company / 1984
Evaluation of Rexnord gravel bed filter / 1976
Evaluations of novel particulate control devices / 1978
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