Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 23
Showing: Items 1 - 23
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Population forecasting)

Select Item Title Year Published
1995 population and employment forecasts for the Central Puget Sound Region 1995
50 years of population change along the nation's coasts 1960-2010 / 1990
A progress report : State implementation of EPA guidelines on the use of population projections. 1979
Assessment of Ecologic Risks Related to Chemical Exposure: Methods and Strategies Used in the United States. 1988
Beyond Malthus : sixteen dimensions of the population problem / 1998
Comprehensive plan Grand County, Colorado / 1970
Current population reports. 1969
Current population reports. 0
Energy resources development in the northern Great Plains : a summary of economic impacts / 1974
Environment 1991: risks to Vermont and Vermonters : a report / 1991
Forecasting : an appraisal for policy-makers and planners / 1978
Global future : time to act : report to the President on global resources, environment and population / 1981
Illustrative projections of world populations to the 21st century. 1979
Lane County (Oregon) preliminary economic reconnaissance and estimate of growth, 1960-2010 / 1962
Outlook to the year 2000, Hudson River basin, water and related land resources study / 1977
People in the balance : population and natural resources at the turn of the millennium / 2000
Population and economy : a technical report containing background data for a water pollution control program. 1967
Population land use for the Greater Houston 208 area 1977
Population, personal income, and earnings by state : projections to 2000 / 1977
Projections of the population of the United States, by age, sex, and race : 1983 to 2080 / 1984
The Flathead Basin: an economic assessment / 1982
The next hundred million : America in 2050 / 2010
United States population data methodology : a description of the methods used to develop NMCSSC population data on the United States: 1970-1983. 1973

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