Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Population Statistics)

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Select Item Title Year Published
Oregon, 2000. 2000 census of population and housing Summary population and housing characteristics : 2002
Patuxent River Water Quality Management Technical Evaluation. 1969
Population and characteristics of industrial/commercial boilers in the U.S. / 1979
Population and Land Area of Urbanized Areas for the United States and Puerto and Rico: 1980 Supplementary report 1980
Population and land area of urbanized areas for the United States, 1970 and 1960 1979
Population of urbanized areas established since the 1970 census, for the United States, 1970. 1976
Precision of Variable Sampling When the Response Variable and Inclusion Probabilities Are Not Highly Correlated. 1994
Prevalence of Chronic Respiratory Disease in Chattanooga: Effects of Community Exposure to Nitrogen Oxides. 1971
Probability Sampling and Population Inference in Monitoring Programs. 1992
Projections of the population of the United States, by age, sex, and race : 1983 to 2080 / 1984
R & S report. 1973
Rand McNally ... commercial atlas & marketing guide. 1983
Role of Ecological Sample Surveys in the Implementation of Biocriteria. 1993
Special census of Mesa County, Colorado : March 21, 1977. 1977
State and metropolitan area data book : 2006 / 2006
Statistical abstract of the United States / 1878
Statistical abstract of the United States: 2004-2005 : the national data book / 2004
Statistical Issues in Environmental Monitoring and Assessment. 1992
Statistical Summary of Municipal Water Facilities Communities of 25,000 Population and Over, as of January 1, 1960. 1960
Statistical Summary, 1956 Inventory of Municipal Water Facilities in Cities Over 25,000 Population. 1958
Strategy for Use of Found Samples in a Rigorous Monitoring Design. 1994
Studies on Benthic Nematode Ecology in a Small Freshwater Pond. 1973
Survey Management Handbook. Volume 1. Guidelines for Planning and Managing a Statistical Survey. 1984
Survey Management Handbook. Volume 2. Overseeing the Technical Progress of a Survey Contract. 1984
The newest New Yorkers, 2000 : immigrant New York in the new millenium. 2004
The Sourcebook of county demographics. 2002
Time spent in activities, locations, and microenvironments : a California-national comparison / 1991
Toxicant-Induced Mortality in Models of 'Daphnia' Populations. 1990
U.S census of population: 1960. General population characteristics. 1961
U.S. census of population, 1960 : number of inhabitants, Hawaii : totals for cities, SMSA's, counties, urban & rural, etc. 1961
U.S. census of population, 1960, general social and economic characteristics, West Virginia : data on ethnic origin, migration, families, income, education, employment, etc. 1961
U.S. census of population, 1960. data on ethnic origin, migration, families, income, education, employment, etc. / General social and economic characteristics. 1961
U.S. census of population, 1960. totals for cities, SMSA's, counties, urban & rural, etc. Number of inhabitants. 1961
U.S. decennial life tables for 1989-91. Volume 1, number 4, United States life tables eliminating certain causes of death. 1999
United States census of population : 1950 : detailed characteristics, U.S. summary / 1953
United States census of population, 1960. totals for cities, SMSA's, counties, urban and rural, etc. Number of inhabitants. West Virginia : 1961
United States census of population: 1950. U.S. summary: number of inhabitants / 1952
Using 'Found' Data to Augment a Probability Sample: Procedure and Case Study. 1992
Utah Lake - Jordan River Hydrologic Basins Water Quality Management Planning Study. Volume I. 1975
Vital statistics of the United States : births, life expectancy, deaths and selected health data. 2004
Washington State almanac an economic & demographic overview of counties & cities. 1994
Washington, 2000. 2000 census of population and housing Summary population and housing characteristics : 2002
World Bank atlas. 1967
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