Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Select Item Title Year Published
A demonstration of areawide water resources planning / 1978
Adjustment of incidence rates for migration in indirect ecologic studies / 1984
Air Pollution and Vegetation II. Effects of Fertilization on Growth and Development of Twenty Woody Plants Grown in Industrial Areas (Luftforurensning og Vegetasjon II. Virkninger av Gjodsling og Kalking pa Vekst og Utvikling av 20 Lignoseslag Dyrket pa Sterkt SO2-Eksponert Sted i Sarpsborg). 1974
Alternative Sewer Systems in the United States. 1984
Analysis of Ground and Surface Water Utilization in Urbanized Arid Areas. 1970
Analysis of Septic Tank Distribution and Septage Generation Rates in Illinois. 1984
Analytical Studies for Assessing the Impact of Sanitary Sewage Facilities of Delaware Co., Ohio. 1975
Analyzing Organizational Conflicts in Water Resource Management. A Systematic Approach. 1972
Application of Laboratory-Derived Criteria to an Outdoor Stream Ecosystem. 1988
Are We Controlling Water Pollution in the Southeast. 1968
Areawide Waste Treatment and Water Quality Management Planning. Appendix C-1. Energy Report: Evaluation of Areawide Coal Production and Future Projections. 1978
Beyond Malthus : sixteen dimensions of the population problem / 1998
Biological and Water Quality Survey of Three Tributaries to the Sangamon River: South Fork Basin, Mosquito Creek and Long Point Slough, September through November 1989. 1993
Border 2012 : U.S.-Mexico environmental program = Frontera 2012 : programa ambiental Mexico-Estados Unidos. 2003
Border 2012: U.S.-Mexico Environmental Program. State of the Border Region Indicators Report 2010. 2011
Calculation of age distributions in the nonroad model : growth and scrappage / 2005
Calculation of Age Distributions in the Nonroad Model: Growth and Scrappage. 2004
Central Hillsborough County-Tampa, Florida: 201 Facilities Plan. Volume 1: Wastewater Facilities Existing Environment Technical Reference Document. 1981
Central Hillsborough County-Tampa, Florida: 201 Facilities Plan. Volume II: Alternatives Evaluation Technical Reference Document. 1981
Central Hillsborough County-Tampa, Florida: Wastewater Facilities. 1981
Champaign County Solid Waste Management System Analysis. 1974
Characterization of Baseline Demographic Trends in the Year-Round and Recreational Populations in the Albemarle-Pamlico Estuarine Study Area. 1989
Chesapeake Bay ambient toxicity assessment workshop report : workshop held 25-27 July 1989, Annapolis, Maryland / 1990
Chesapeake Bay Annual Workplan, 1989. 1989
Chesapeake Bay Atlantic Croaker and Spot Fishery Management Plan: Agreement Commitment Report 1991. 1991
Chesapeake Bay Summer Flounder Fishery Management Plan: Agreement Commitment Report 1991. 1991
Chesapeake Bay, Submerged Aquatic Vegetation Habitat Requirements and Restoration Targets: A Technical Synthesis, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, December 1992. 0
Chesapeake Executive Council First Progress Report under the 1987 Chesapeake Bay Agreement. 1989
Comparison of the EC50s of Algal Toxicity Tests Calculated by Four Methods. 1987
Comprehensive Environmental Management Plan for the Currituck Sound Drainage Basin: Background Investigations. 1990
Cost estimates for construction of publicly-owned wastewater treatment facilities : 1976 needs survey. 1977
Denver regional environmental impact statement for wastewater facilities and the clean water plan / 1978
Determinants and Options for Water Distribution System Management: A Cost Evaluation. 1982
Draft environmental impact statement : wastewater management for Boise, Eagle and Ada County, Idaho / 1981
Draft Environmental Impact Statement and Technical Appendixes: Durham-Eno River, North Carolina Wastewater Treatment Plant and Service Area. 1989
Draft Environmental Impact Statement City of Los Angeles Wastewater Facilities Plan. Chapters I and II. 1977
Draft environmental impact statement for southwest Orange County, Florida / 1984
Draft Environmental Impact Statement Ideal Basic Industries: Cement Plant, Theodore Industrial Park, Alabama, and Limestone Quarry, Monroe County, Alabama. Appendices Volume III. Appendix B Baseline. Ecology, Socioeconomics. 1978
Draft Environmental Impact Statement, North Jefferson County, Kentucky Wastewater Facilities. 1983
Draft San Diego Metropolitan Facilities Plan: Wastewater Treatment, Reclamation and Disposal, 1975-2000. 1977
Earth and us : population, resources, environment, development / 1991
Economic evaluation of the proposed interim primary drinking water regulations. 1975
Effect of Water Quality on First-Year Mortality of Largemouth Bass. 1972
Effects of Coal Development in the Northern Great Plains. A Review of Major Issues and Consequences at Different Rates of Development. 1975
Effects of Sediment-Bound Residues of the Pyrethroid Insecticide Fenvalerate on Survival and Reproduction of Meiobenthic Copepods. 1990
Energy from the West : a progress report of a technology assessment of Western energy resource development / 1977
Energy from the West : policy analysis report / 1979
Energy from the West: Impact Analysis Report. Volume I: Introduction and Summary. 1979
Energy from the West: Impact Analysis Report. Volume II: Site-Specific and Regional Impact Analyses. 1979
Enumeration, Transport and Survival of Bacteria Attached to Granular Activitated Carbon in Drinking Water. 1985
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