Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Pollution United States)

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Select Item Title Year Published
"208" Symposium, Non-point Sources of Pollution from Forested Land : proceedings of a meeting held at the Student Center, Southern Illinois University at Carbondale, Illinois, October 19-20, 1977 1977
"Environmental Indicators Initiative" and "Draft Report on the Environment." 2003
"Our urban environment and our most endangered people" / 1972
"The failure of the environmental effort" with Barry Commoner. 1988
1. The treatment and disposal of strawboard waste / 1918
16 air and water pollution issues facing the nation appendix to report / 1978
16 air and water pollution issues facing the nation report to the Congress / 1978
1957 inventory : municipal and industrial waste facilities. 1958
1964 data tabulations and summaries, Chicago, Cincinnati, Philadelphia, St. Louis, Washington, D. C. 1969
1965 data tabulations and summaries. 1969
1969 inventory of air pollution monitoring equipment operated by state and local agencies. 1971
1971 compendium of state regulatory/policy making bodies charged with water pollution control responsibilities. 1972
1972 compendium of state air pollution control agencies. 1972
1972 Fish kills : thirteenth annual report / 1972
1972 national emissions report : national emissions data system (NEDS) of the aerometric and emissions reporting system (AEROS). 1974
1974 national emissions report : national emissions data system of the aerometric and emissions reporting system / 1978
1978 national emissions data systems (NEDS) fuel use report / 1980
1978 needs survey : cost estimates for construction of publicly-owned wastewater treatment facilities / 1979
1982 needs survey : cost estimates for construction of publicly owned wastewater treatment facilities / 1982
1985 air pollution emissions / 1977
1988 needs survey : report to Congress : assessment of needed publicly owned wastewater treatment facilities in the United States. 1989
1989 demolition and renovation inspection and safety procedures workshop slide narrative : final report / 1989
1990 farm bill opportunities for groundwater protection / 1990
1991 toxics release inventory : public data release. 1993
1993 Reference guide to pollution prevention resources / 1993
1993 toxics release inventory : public data release : executive summary. 1995
1993 toxics release inventory : public data release : state fact sheets. 1995
1993 toxics release inventory : public data release. 1995
1994 and 1995 toxic release inventory : data quality report. 1998
1994 non-methane organic compounds and speciated non-methane organic compounds monitoring program : final report / 1996
1994 proceedings / 1995
1994 summary report : Section 319 National Monitoring Program projects / 1994
1994 toxics release inventory : public data release : executive summary. 1996
1994 toxics release inventory : public data release : state fact sheets. 1996
1994 toxics release inventory : public data release. 1996
1995 international coastal cleanup U.S. results / 1996
1995 protocol for equipment leak emission estimates / 1995
1995 summary report : Section 319 National Monitoring Program projects / 1995
1995 toxics release inventory : public data release : state fact sheets. 1997
1995 toxics release inventory : public data release. 1997
1996 clean water needs survey : report to Congress : assessment of needs for publicly owned wastewater treatment facilities, correction of combined sewer overflows, and management of storm water and nonpoint source pollution in the United States. 1997
1996 toxic release inventory : data quality report. 1998
1996 toxic release inventory : data quality report. 1998
1996 toxics release inventory : public data release - 10 years of right-to-know : industry sector analyses / 1998
1996 toxics release inventory : public data release - ten years of right-to-know. 1998
1996 toxics release inventory : state fact sheets. 1998
1997 nonmethane organic compounds (NMOC) and speciated nonmethane organic compounds (SNMOC) monitoring program. Volume 1 : final report / 1997
1997 proceedings Air & Waste Management Association's 90th annual meeting & exhibition Toronto, Ontario, Canada, June 8-13, 1997. [electronic resource] : 1997
1997 summary report : Section 319 National Monitoring Program projects / 1997
1997 toxics release inventory : public data release : state fact sheets. 1999
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