Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 44
Showing: Items 1 - 44

Select Item Title Year Published
1993 Reference guide to pollution prevention resources / 1993
A report to Congress on water pollution control manpower development and training activities / 1972
Abatement and pollution control training and educational programs / 0
Air pollution control orientation course / 0
Air pollution training courses ... and university training programs. 1971
Always a river : activity booklet / 1991
Always a river : supplemental environmental education curriculum on the Ohio River and water grades K-12 / 1991
Applied biology seminar. 1969
APTI course 444 : air pollution field enforcement / 1990
APTI course SI-422 : air pollution control orientation course / 1981
APTI SI-422 : air pollution control orientation course / 1992
Bulletin of courses : Water Pollution Control Training Program. 0
Chronological schedule of air pollution training courses : January 1990 through December 1990. 1990
Chronological schedule of air pollution training courses : October 1985 through September 1986 / 1985
Chronological schedule of air pollution training courses : October 1986 through September 1987 / 1987
CleanAir Clint takes on Particle Pete in the battle for Oregon's skies a guide for teachers concerned about woodstove smoke. 1989
Contaminated sediments in our waterways : impacts and solutions. 2003
Contaminated sediments in our waterways : impacts and solutions. 2003
Directory of pollution prevention in higher education faculty and programs 1997 / 1997
Effective nonpoint source public education and outreach : a review of selected programs in region 10 / 1989
Environmental education activity kit / 1990
Environmental education resources directory / 1992
Environmental issues : an introduction to sustainability / 2008
Environmental resource curricula : approaching environmental science education using case studies. 1990
Environmental training programs [in] New England / 1976
Incorporating pollution prevention concepts in higher education curricula : a resource package. 1991
Lake Surprise : a workshop on multimedia initiatives for geographically targeted areas within the Great Lakes Basin / 1994
No waste anthology : a teacher's guide to environmental activities K-12 / 1991
Pollution prevention pays : instruction manual / 1988
Pollution prevention training opportunities in ... 1990
Pollution problems & solutions 1999
Preparing for a quieter tomorrow / 1980
Proceedings of the Meeting on Education and Training in Meteorological Aspects of Atmospheric Pollution and Related Environmental Problems, Research Triangle Park, U.S.A., January-February, 1977 / 1977
Project A.I.R.E. : air information resources for education (K-12) : a guide for instructors / 1994
Project AIRE resource guide book / 1994
REEP : Regional environmental education program, chemistry / 1995
Report on New England Regional Wastewater Institute relationship to water pollution control training needs in New England / 1978
Source book on air pollution topics for grade and high school teachers / 1984
Source water public education and outreach (kindergarten - 12th grade) 2002
The Invisible problem. 1996
Tools for trainers / 1998
Training in water supply and pollution control : EPA graduate training grant T-900176 : final report / 1981
Water education & outreach resource brochure / 1999
We all live downstream. 1995

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