Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Pollution Prevention)

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Select Item Title Year Published
101st Congress 2nd Session, H.R. 5931: Pollution Prevention Act of 1990 1990
1990 Federal Facilities Conference, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Region III : synopsis / 1991
1994 proceedings / 1995
1998 regional geographic initiative : air, water, waste, toxics : integrated solutions to local environmental problems. 1999
1998 regional geographic initiative : air, water, waste, toxics : integrated solutions to local environmental problems. 1999
2018 DERA school bus rebate program guide / 2018
2018 school bus rebate program applicant wait list / 2019
2019 diesel emissions reduction act (DERA) school bus rebates program guide / 2019
2019 school bus rebates applicant wait list / 2020
2020 diesel emissions reduction act (DERA) school bus rebates program guide / 2020
2021 American Rescue Plan (ARP) Electric school bus rebates / program guide 2021
2021 diesel emissions reduction act (DERA) school bus rebates program guide / 2021
2022 Clean School Bus (CSB) Rebates : program guide / 2022
2022 EPA Clean School Bus (CSB) Rebate next steps 2022
2022 EPA Clean School Bus rebate forms : application user guide / 2022
2022 EPA Clean School Bus rebate forms : close out form user guide / 2023
2022 EPA Clean School Bus rebate forms : close out form user guide / 2024
2022 EPA Clean School Bus rebate forms : payment request user guide / 2022
21st annual RREL research symposium : abstract proceedings / 1995
21st annual RREL research symposium : the Westin Hotel, April 4-5, 1995, Cincinnati, Ohio. 1995
319 grant reporting and tracking system : nonpoint source (NPS) / 1993
33/50 program : fact sheets on the 17 target chemicals. 1992
50 ways to make your world a better place / 1990
A binational pollution prevention strategy for the Lake Superior Basin : discussion paper / 1996
A brief guide to mold in the workplace / 2003
A groundwater protection strategy for Virginia : 1990 supplement / 1990
A guide to a healthier home environment : how you can prevent pollution in your home / 1996
A Guide to hazardous waste management at tribal health care clinics / 2008
A Guide to performing reinspections under the Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act (AHERA). 1992
A guide to pollution prevention planning : meeting the requirements of the Waste Reduction Policy Act, save money, reduce risks, and eliminate waste / 2004
A guide to respiratory protection for the asbestos abatement industry : a technical report / 1987
A Guide to the safe handling of hazardous materials accidents. 1983
A listing of lighting resource professionals : a Green Lights Ally directory. 1996
A pollution prevention resource manual for metal finishers : a competitive advantage manual / 1994
A pollution prevention tool for continuous chemical processes (P2TCP) / 1997
A Preliminary analysis of water pollution surveillance system plankton data for the Northwest Region / 1969
A review of computer process simulation in industrial pollution prevention / 1994
A small scale biomass fueled gas turbine engine / 1998
A transient and steady state study of pure and mixed refrigerants in a residential heat pump / 1996
Abstracts of pollution prevention case study sources / 1994
Access EPA. 1991
Accounting and insurance projects applications for pollution prevention in financial professions. 1993
ACEEE's green book : the environmental guide to cars and trucks, model year 2003 / 2003
Achievement through partnership : a progress report through 2000. 2002
Achieving cleaner waters across America : Supporting effective programs to prevent water pollution from forestry operations. 2000
Acid rain and related programs : 2008 emission, compliance, and market data. 2009
Active and passive smoking hazards in the workplace / 1990
Adding the Illinois portion of the St. Louis, Illinois-Missouri ozone nonattainment area to the Federal Reformulated Gasoline (RFG) Program. 2007
Adequacy and cost of air toxics emissions inventories / 1985
Adjustment to reformulated gasoline VOC standard / 2001
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