Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 277
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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Pollution Physiological effect)

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Select Item Title Year Published
A biologic indicator for air pollution / 1979
A compilation of technical reports on the biological effects and the public health aspects of atmospheric pollutants. 1971
A report on phase I development of a preliminary plan and program for a study of toxicity and biostimulation in San Francisco Bay-Delta waters / 1970
A review and assessment of the effects of pollutant mixtures on vegetation : research recommendations / 1984
A Study of the effects of low levels of carbon monoxide upon humans performing driving tasks : final report / 1973
Activity patterns of California residents : final report, contract no. A6-177-33 / 1991
Acute exposure guideline levels for selected airborne chemicals / 2000
Addendum to the Health assessment document for chromium / 1986
Addendum to the health assessment document for dichloromethane (methylene chloride) : updated carcinogenicity assessment of dichloromethane (methylene chloride). 1985
Air pollutants affecting the performance of domestic animals; a literature review, 1970
Air pollution : hazards of indoor radon could pose a national health problem : report to the Pennsylvania Congressional Delegation, House of Representatives / 1986
Air pollution and health / 2006
Air pollution and health / 1999
Air pollution and health effects in children residing in Akron, Ohio / 1981
Air pollution and how it affects plants 1973
Air pollution and New Orleans asthma 1962
Air pollution and public health / Charles H. Connolly. 1973
Air pollution and the lung : proceedings of the twentieth annual "OHOLO" biological conference, Ma alot, Israel, March 16-19, 1975 / 1976
Air pollution and the politics of control. 1973
Air pollution and the public : a risk communication guide for state and local agencies / 1991
Air pollution and your health. 1979
Air pollution assessment of ethylene dibromide / 1976
Air pollution effects on terrestrial ecosystems / 1983
Air pollution exposure and immunoglobulin levels / 1974
Air pollution in Donora; an analysis of the extreme effects of smog. 1970
Air pollution primer / 1978
Air pollution primer. 1969
Air pollution--physiological effects 1982
Air pollution. Proceedings of the first European Congress on the Influence of Air Pollution on Plants and Animals, Wageningen, April 22 to 27, 1968. 1969
Air pollution. Volume II, The effects of air pollution / 1977
Air quality criteria and guides for urban air pollutants : report of a WHO Expert Committee. 1972
Air quality criteria for lead / 1984
Air quality criteria for lead : August 1984 / 1984
Air quality criteria for ozone and other photochemical oxidants / 1984
Air quality criteria for ozone and other photochemical oxidants : review draft / 1985
Air quality criteria for ozone and other photochemical oxidants. 1986
Air quality criteria for ozone and other photochemical oxidants. 1978
Air quality criteria for particulate matter and sulfur oxides 1982
Air quality criteria for particulate matter and sulfur oxides. 1982
Airborne particulate matter : sources, atmospheric processes, and health / 2016
Altitude as a factor in air pollution. 1978
An assessment of the hazards of commuting via bicycle / 1978
An ecological study of fishes and invertebrate macrofauna utilizing the Cape Fear River estuary, Carolina Beach inlet, and adjacent Atlantic Ocean / 1979
An Evaluation of the approach for assessing risks to the benthic invertebrate community at the Portland Harbor Superfund site : preliminary draft / 2008
An evaluation of the suitability of the Cedar Bluff spill site for recovery of freshwater mussels, Clinch River, Tazewell County, Virginia : final report / 2001
Analysis of organic compounds in water to support health effect studies : a consultants report 1976
Analyzing the hazard evaluation process : proceedings of a workshop held in Waterville Valley, New Hampshire, August 14-18, 1978 / 1979
Animals as monitors of environmental pollutants. 1979
Aquatic toxicity data evaluation 1993
Aquatic toxicity data evaluation appendix C: the database / 1993
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