Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 6
Showing: Items 1 - 6
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Pollution Europe Eastern)

Select Item Title Year Published
Analiticheskii obzor fonovogo zagreiiaznenieiia prirodnoi sredy khlororganicheskimi soedinenieiiami i polietisiklicheskimi aromaticheskimi uglevodorodami na territorii nekotorykh vostochno-evropeiskikh stran : 1982-1989 gg. / 1990
Analiticheskii obzor zagriazneniia atmosfery soedineniiami sery i azota i otsenka ikh vypadenii v fonovykh raionakh vostochno-evropeiskikh stran--chlenov SEV, 1982-1987 gg. 1988
Environmental issues in Central and Eastern Europe U.S. efforts to help resolve institutional and financial problems : report to the Chairman, Committee on Energy and Commerce, House of Representatives / 1994
Environmental issues in Eastern Europe setting an agenda / 1990
Road traffic pollution in Central and East Europe 1991
U.S. environmental initiatives in Eastern Europe : hearing before the Subcommittee on Transportation and Hazardous Materials of the Committee on Energy and Commerce, House of Representatives, One hundred first Congress, second session, April 23, 1990. 1990

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