Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Pollution Environmental aspects)

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Select Item Title Year Published
1970 Glacier National Park study 1972
1988 Washington Conference on Risk Assessment : proceedings / 1988
33/50 program company profiles : reduction highlights. 1994
4th International Workshop on Risk Evaluation and Management of Chemicals 2003
A citizen guide to reducing environmental risk / 1997
A framework for assessing health risk of environmental exposures to children / 2006
A guide to the proposed consolidated permit regulations. 1979
A multi-stakeholder framework for ecological risk management : summary from a SETAC technical workshop / 1998
A pilot study for ambient toxicity testing in Chesapeake Bay : year 4 report. 1997
A report on phase I development of a preliminary plan and program for a study of toxicity and biostimulation in San Francisco Bay-Delta waters / 1970
A screening procedure for the impacts of air pollution sources on plants, soils, and animals / 1980
A strategy to reduce risks to public health from air toxics. 1985
A surrogate species chemical reaction mechanism for urban-scale air quality simulation models / 1987
A surrogate species chemical reaction mechanism for urban-scale air quality simulation models / 1987
Abstract book : SETAC ... annual meeting. 0
Abstracts : the 82nd annual meeting & exhibition, June 25-30, 1989, Anaheim Convention Center, Anaheim, California. 1989
Abstracts of pollution prevention case study sources 1993
Abstracts of pollution prevention case study sources / 1994
Accidents will happen : pollution from plant malfunctions, startups, and shutdowns in Port Arthur, Texas. / 2002
Acetic acid 1985
Acid rain and related air pollutant damage : a national and international call for action. 1984
Acute exposure guideline levels for selected airborne chemicals / 2000
Advances in environmental sciences / 1969
Agricultural nonpoint source pollution : watershed management and hydrology / 2001
Agriculture and the environment : information on and characteristics of selected watershed projects : report to the Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry, U.S. Senate / 1995
Air Land Water Analysis System (ALWAS) : a multi-media model for toxic substances / 1984
Air pollutants and their effects on the terrestrial ecosystem / 1986
Air pollutants effects on forest ecosystems : May 8-9, 1985 St. Paul MN 1985
Air pollution : health and environmental impacts / 2010
Air pollution : measurement, environmental impacts and mitigation strategies / 2016
Air pollution : Protecting parks and wilderness from nearby pollution sources : report to the Chairman, Environment, Energy, and Natural Resources Subcommittee, Committee on Government Operations, House of Representatives / 1990
Air pollution and acid rain : the biological impact / 1988
Air pollution and climate change : the biological impact / 1994
Air pollution and forests interactions between air contaminants and forest ecosystems / 1990
Air pollution and freshwater ecosystems : sampling, analysis, and quality assurance / 2015
Air pollution and plant life / 1984
Air pollution and the productivity of the forest proceedings of the symposium, the Capitol Holiday Inn, Washington, D.C., October 4 and 5, 1983 / 1983
Air pollution effects on biodiversity / 1992
Air pollution environmental issues and health effects / 1991
Air pollution health and environmental impacts / [electronic resource] : 2010
Air pollution, acid rain, and the environment 1988
Air pollution, climate, and health : an integrated perspective on their interactions / 2021
Air quality / 1991
Air quality / 1985
Air quality evaluation of the Amoco Yorktown refinery as part of the Amoco-USEPA pollution prevention project. 1992
Air quality management : considerations for developing countries / 1995
Air screening assessment for Cook County, Illinois, and Lake County, Indiana / 2004
Airborne pollution load to the Baltic Sea, 1986-1990. 1991
AMAP assessement report : Arctic pollution issues / 1998
AMAP assessment 2002 : persistent organic pollutants in the Arctic / 2004
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