Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 38
Showing: Items 1 - 38
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Pollution de l air)

Select Item Title Year Published
Acute effects on health of smog episodes : report on a WHO meeting, (R)s Hertogenbosch, Netherlands, 30 October-2 November 1990 / 1992
Aerosols, anthropogenic and natural, sources and transport / 1980
Air pollution control and design handbook / 1977
Air pollution handbook, 1956
Air pollution meteorology and dispersion / 1999
Air pollution, acid rain, and the future of forests / 1984
Atmospheric chemistry and physics : from air pollution to climate change / 1998
Atmospheric chemistry and physics of air pollution / 1986
Breathing; physiology, environment and lung disease. 1974
Chemistry of particles, fogs, and rain / 1984
Clearing the air : a global agenda / 1990
Climate of hope : new strategies for stabilizing the world's atmosphere / 1996
Combustion-generated air pollution : a short course on Combustion-Generated Air Pollution held at the University of California, Berkeley, September 22-26, 1969 / 1971
Costs of air pollution control : analyses of emission control options for ozone abatement strategies / 2005
Costs of inaction on key environmental challenges. 2008
Environmental catalysis / 1994
Environmental chemistry / 1991
Environmental quality in a growing economy : essays from the Sixth RFF Forum / 1966
Fine particles in gaseous media / 1977
Global biomass burning : atmospheric, climatic, and biospheric implications / 1991
Global climate change and U.S. law / 2007
Global energy futures and the carbon dioxide problem / 1981
Health effects of transport-related air pollution / 2005
Indoor air : an integrated approach / 1995
International environmental management : papers from the 9th World Clean Air Congress, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, August 30-September 4, 1992 : Towards the year 2000, critical issues in the global environment = La gestion environnementale internationale : exposs du 9e Congres mondial sur l'air pur : Vers l'an 2000, problemes cruciaux en matiere d'environnement aa l'chelle mondiale / 1992
Opportunities to reduce anthropogenic methane emissions in the United States : report to Congress / 1993
Ozone crisis : the 15-year evolution of a sudden global emergency / 1989
Particulate polycyclic organic matter. 1972
Planning pollution prevention : a comparison of siting controls over air pollution sources in Great Britain and the USA / 1989
Pollution : causes, effects, and control / 2001
Proceedings of the second international clean air congress. 1971
Results of research related to stratospheric ozone protection : report to Congress / 1978
Science and judgment in risk assessment / 1994
Smog alert : managing urban air quality / 1996
The economic damages of air pollution / 1974
The New York summer aerosol study, 1976 / 1979
Transport and chemical transformation of pollutants in the troposphere : an overview of the work of EUROTRAC / 2000
Urban air pollution in Asian cities : status, challenges and management / 2006

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