Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Pollution Analysis)

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Select Item Title Year Published
2005 Urban Air Toxics Monitoring Program (UATMP) - hexavalent chromium : final report / 2007
A dynamic three-dimensional air pollution exposure model for Hong Kong / 2018
A Field evaluation of in-situ biodegradation for aquifer restoration / 1987
A field evaluation of in-situ biodegradation for aquifer restoration / 1987
A rapid survey technique for estimating community air pollution emissions / 1966
Advances in the analysis of air contaminants : a critical review and discussion 1981
Air pollution 1972
Air quality guidelines for Europe. 2000
Air quality in urban environments / 2009
Air quality sampling during the Green Mountain smoke characterization study 1982
Air sampling instruments for evaluation of atmospheric contaminants / 1983
Air sampling instruments for evaluation of atmospheric contaminants. 1978
Aircraft emissions and the environment : CO[subscript x], SO[subscript x], HO[subscript x] & NO[subscript x] / 1993
An approach to the analysis of the ar quality impact of electric vehicles (U) / 1974
Analysis of variability of UAPSP precipitation chemistry measurements 1993
Analytical methods applied to air pollution measurements. 1974
Analytical methods for U.S. EPA priority pollutants and 301(h) pesticides in tissues from estuarine and marine organisms : final report / 1986
Analytical techniques in occupational health chemistry 1980
Analytical techniques in occupational health chemistry : based on a symposium / 1980
Annual book of ASTM standards. Section 11, Water and environmental technology. 1983
Application of high performance liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry to environmental analysis / 1989
Application of spectral analysis to stream and estuary field surveys : I. Individual power spectra / 1963
AQUATOX / 2000
Aquatox release 2.2. 2006
Asbestos in air : a bibliography with abstracts, 1964-1980 / 1980
Atmospheric pollutants in natural waters / 1981
Atmospheric pollution by aeroallergens : progress report. 1957
Automated water monitoring instrument for phosphorus contents / 1973
Automatic organic monitoring system for storm and combined sewers / 1975
Bibliography of methods for marine and estuarine monitoring / 1995
Bioassay techniques and environmental chemistry / 1973
Biological Aspects of Water Quality, Charles River and Boston Harbor, Massachusetts, July-August 1967. 1968
Biology of freshwater pollution / 1991
Cascade impactor network / [by] Robert E. Lee, Jr. and Stephen Goranson. 1972
Characterization of available nationwide air toxics emissions data / 1984
Chemical data for predicting the fate of organic compounds in water volume 1: Technical basis / 1989
Chemical reactions in urban atmospheres; proceedings. 1971
Community toxicity testing : a symposium / 1986
Comparative heavy metal uptake by soil-dwelling invertebrates and the bioassay earthworm Eisenia foetida : final technical report / 1988
Comparative sensitivities of tropical and sub-tropical mysids to toxicants / 2001
Comparative studies of food and environmental contamination. Proceedings of a Symposium on nuclear techniques and in comparative studies of food and the environmental contamination organized by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, the International Atomic Energy Agency and the World Health Organization, and held in Otaniemi, Finland, 27-31 August 1973. 1974
Compilation of air pollutant emission factors / 1968
Compilation of air pollutant emission factors. 1972
Compilation of EPA(R)s whole effluent toxicity test methods / 2002
Continuous air pollution source monitoring systems / 1979
Cost-effectiveness analysis of proposed effluent limitations guidelines and standards for the pesticide manufacturing industry / 1992
Development of method for carcinogenic vapor analysis in ambient atmospheres / 1974
Documentation for HAR03, a computer program for the modeling of water quality parameters in steady multi-dimensional natural aquatic systems / 1974
Elements of air quality management. 1967
Empirical associations between emissions in the 1985 NAPAP inventory and precipitation analyte concentrations 1992
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