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189th national meeting : Miami, Florida, April 29-May 3, 1985. 1985
Aquatic humic substances : influence on fate and treatment of pollutants / 1989
Aquatic pollutants and biologic effects, with emphasis on neoplasia / 1977
Aquatic toxicology and hazard assessment proceedings of the Fourth Annual Symposium on Aquatic Toxicology / 1981
Aquatic toxicology and hazard assessment, seventh symposium : a symposium / 1985
Arsenic exposure and health 1994
Biofilm processes in ground water research proceedings of a symposium held in Stockholm, November 17-19, 1983. 1983
Bioremediation of surface and subsurface contamination 1997
Chemistry for protection of the environment, 1987 : proceedings of the sixth international conference, Torino, Italy, 15-18 September 1987 / 1988
Contaminants and sediments / 1980
Contaminants in the subsurface environment proceedings of the International Symposium on Processes Governing the Movement and Fate of Contaminants in the Subsurface Environment, held at Stanford University, California, USA, 23-26 July 1989 / 1990
Derivation and use of environmental quality and human health standards for chemical substances in water and soil / 2010
Dioxin perspectives a pilot study on international information exchange on dioxins and related compounds / 1991
Environmental contamination 2nd International conference, Amsterdam, September, 1986 / 1986
Fate of persistent organic pollutants in the environment 2008
Fate of pollutants in the air and water environments / 1977
Frontiers in assessing human exposures to environmental toxicants : report of a symposium / 1991
Hazardous and industrial waste : proceedings of the twentieth Mid-Atlantic Industrial Waste Conference / 1988
Hazardous and industrial wastes proceedings of the Twenty-Third Mid-Atlantic Industrial Waste Conference / 1991
Identification & analysis of organic pollutants in water 1976
Implementing the Stockholm Convention on persistent organic pollutants : summary of a workshop in China / 2007
Interface of Laboratory and Field Data : Predicting and Understanding Environmental Effects : fifth annual meeting abstracts, November 4-7, 1984 Hyatt Regency Crystal City Hotel, Arlington, Virginia / 1984
Lead--environmental aspects. 1989
Lead. 1977
Lung modelling for inhalation of radioactive materials : proceedings of a meeting, Oxford, 26-28 March 1984 / 1984
Management of toxic substances in our ecosystems : taming the Medusa / 1981
Methods for analysis of organic compounds in the Great Lakes : the proceedings of an invitational workshop held April 1-2, 1980, at the University of Wisconsin Great Lakes Research Facility, Milwaukee, Wisconsin / 1980
Natural organic matter in drinking water : origin, characterization, and removal : workshop proceedings, September 19-22, 1993, Chamonix, France / 1994
Organic compounds in aquatic environments / 1971
Organic matter in water supplies: occurrence, significance, and control; proceedings. 1973
Organic micropollutants in the aquatic environment : proceedings of the fifth European symposium held in Rome, Italy, October 20-22, 1987 / 1988
Organic substances and sediments in water / 1900
Organometals and organometalloids : occurrence and fate in the environment : based on a symposium sponsored by the Division of Inorganic Chemistry at the 175th meeting of the American Chemical Society, Anaheim, California, March 13-17, 1978 / 1978
Physico-chemical behaviour of atmospheric pollutants : proceedings of the Third European Symposium held in Varese, Italy, 10-12 April 1984 1984
Physico-chemical behaviour of atmospheric pollutants proceedings of the fourth European symposium held in Stresa, Italy, 23-25 September 1986 ; organized within the framework of the Concerted Action COST 611 / 1987
Plans for clinical and epidemiologic follow-up after area-wide chemical contamination : proceedings of an international workshop, Washington, D.C., March 17-19, 1980 / 1982
Polychlorinated biphenyls and terphenyls. 1976
Proceedings / 1983
Proceedings : AWWA Seminar on Organic Chemical Contaminants in Groundwater, Transport and Removal / 1981
Proceedings of the first Workshop on Emissions and Modelling of Atmospheric Transport of Persistent Organic Pollutants and Heavy Metals : the United States Environmental Protection Agency, Durham, North Carolina, the United States, 6-7 May, 1993 / 1993
Proceedings of the fourth international conference on the combined effects of environmental factors a conference held in Baltimore, Maryland September 30, 1990-October 3, 1990. 1991
Proceedings of the Second Annual Hazardous Materials Management Conference West / 1986
Proceedings of the Subregional Awareness Raising Workshop on Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) 1997
Proceedings of the Symposium on Experimental Models for Pulmonary Research / 1979
Proceedings, AWWA Seminar on Organic Chemical Contaminants & Groundwater: Transport and Removal : June 7, 1981, St. Louis, Missouri 1981
Radon, radium, and other radioactivity in ground water : hydrogeologic impact and application to indoor airborne contamination : proceedings of the NWWA Conference, April 7-9, 1987, Somerset, New Jersey / 1987
Silent spring revisited / 1987
Sources and fates of aquatic pollutants / 1987
Triazine herbicides : risk assessment / 1998
Twelfth Annual Analytical Symposium, May 10 & 11, 1989. 1989
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