Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 18
Showing: Items 1 - 18
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Politica ambiental)

Select Item Title Year Published
Environmental economics : an introduction / 1994
Environmental law in a nutshell / 2004
Justice, society, and nature : an exploration of political ecology / 1998
New tools for environmental protection : education, information, and voluntary measures / 2002
Practical guide to environmental management / 2006
Precaution, environmental science, and preventive public policy / 2003
Regional environmental management : selected proceedings of the national conference / 1975
Saving the planet : how to shape an environmentally sustainable global economy / 1991
Science and politics in the international environment / 2004
Second annual report : State/EPA agreements. 1980
Should we risk it? : exploring environmental, health, and technological problem solving / 1999
Sustainable development : exploring the contradictions / 1987
The corporate planet : ecology and politics in the age of globalization / 1997
The handbook of environmental policy evaluation / 2008
The International politics of the environment : actors, interests, and institutions / 1992
The sustainability revolution : portrait of a paradigm shift / 2005
Transportation, energy, and environmental policy : VIII biennial Asilomar Conference, September 11-12, 2001 / 2003
Understanding and solving environmental problems in the 21st century : toward a new, integrated hard problem science / 2002

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