Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Plastic)

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Select Item Title Year Published
Plastic films from petroleum raw materials. 1967
Plastic ocean : how a sea captain's chance discovery launched a determined quest to save the oceans / 2011
Plastic purge : how to use less plastic, eat better, keep toxins out of your body, and help save the sea turtles! / 2014
Plastic soup : an atlas of ocean pollution / 2019
Plastic waste primer 1993
Plastic wastes : management, control, recycling, and disposal / 1991
Plastic wastes in the coming decade 1971
Plastic-free : how I kicked the plastic habit and you can too / 2012
Plastics America's packaging dilemma / 1991
Plastics in solid waste : sub-council report / 1971
Plastics recycling as a future business opportunity, May 25-26, 1988, at the Mayflower Hotel, Washington, D.C. proceedings, Technology Exchange Program : Recyclingplas III--conference / 1988
Plastics solid waste disposal by incineration or landfill, 1972
Plastics vs. corrosives 1982
Plastics waste : recovery of economic value 1981
Plastics waste disposal practices in landfill, incineration, pyrolysis, and recycle. 1972
Plastics waste management 1977
Plastics waste management : prepared for Manufacturing Chemists Association 1974
Plastics waste management disposal, recycling, and reuse / 1993
Plumbing materials and drinking water quality : proceedings of a seminar, Cincinnati, Ohio May 16-17, 1984 / 1985
Polymer film overlay system for mercury contaminated sludge : - phase I / 1972
Polymeric coating of supporting substrates : background information for promulgated standards (volume II) / 1987
Polymeric coating of supporting substrates : background information for promulgated standards / 1989
Polymeric coating of supporting substrates : background information for proposed standards / 1987
Polymers and ecological problems / 1973
Polyurethane foam sorbents in separation science 1985
Powder coating : the complete finisher's handbook / 1994
Powder coatings : a pollution prevention alternative to conventional shop-applied coatings. 1993
Powder coatings session : technical papers 1976
Powder coatings session : technical papers Coatings Conference II, Cincinnati, Ohio, May 11, 1978. 1978
Powder coatings technology update / 1989
Preliminary exposure assessment for chlorinated paraffins : Final report / 1985
Preliminary risk assessment, phase I : benzidine, its congeners, and their derivative dyes and pigments / 1980
Preparation of Wood-Plastic Combinations Using gamma Radiation to Induce Polymerization. Final Report, November 1, 1961-June 30, 1968. 1971
Pressure Sewer Demonstration at the Borough of Phoenixville, Pennsylvania. 1973
Proceedings of the Solid Waste Resources Conference on Design of Consumer Containers for Re-use or Disposal, May 12 and 13, 1971. 1972
Processing the plastics from urban refuse / 1972
PVC pipe-- design and installation. 2002
PVC pipe--design and installation. 1980
Radiation cured coatings session : technical papers 1976
Radiation cured coatings session : technical papers 1978
Recycling of plastics from urban and industrial refuse, 0
Reducing Emissions in Fiberglass Reinforced Plastics Manufacuring. 2002
Reduction of Total Toxic Organic Discharges and VOC (Volatile Organic Compounds) Emissions from Paint Stripping Operations Using Plastic Media Blasting. 1987
Report of the Interagency Task Force on Persistent Marine Debris / 1988
Report on the National Technical Forum on Source Reduction of Heavy Metals in Municipal Solid Waste / 1993
Review of water industry plastic pipe practices 1987
Role of plastics in resource recovery, 1973
Safety and product liability : proceedings of the 1974 S.P.I. 17th National Cellular Plastics Conference, November 18, 19, 20, 1974, Washington, D.C. 1975
Sampling Tubing Effects on Groundwater Samples. 1985
Solid waste management of plastics, 1971
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