Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 60
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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Planting)

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Select Item Title Year Published
A case study assessing opportunity costs and ecological benefits of streamside management zones and logging systems for eastern hardwood forests / 2006
A soil bioengineering guide for streambank and lakeshore stabilization / 2002
Adapting woody species and planting techniques to landfill conditions : field and laboratory investigations / 1979
Aice Survey of USSR Air Pollution Literature. Volume II. Effects and Symptoms of Air Pollutes on Vegetation, Resistance and Susceptibility of Different Plant Species in Various Habitats, in Relation to Plant Utilization for Shelter Belts and as Biological Indicators. 1969
Arbor Day, past and present 1989
Bangladesh 1983
Biological aspects of hybrid poplar cultivation on floodplains in western North America : a review / 1999
Biotechnical streambank protection : the use of plants to stabilize streambanks / 2002
Carbon counts : estimating climate change mitigation in forestry projects / 1997
Carbon Storage Potential of Short Rotation Tropical Tree Plantations. 1992
Central Florida community tree guide : benefits, costs, and strategic planting / 2010
Classification of Nevada riverine riparian habitats for management of fisheries resources : progress report 4 to Nevada Department of Wildlife / 1988
Demonstration of erosion and sediment control technology : Lake Tahoe region of California / 1978
Direct-seeding of commercial trees on surface-mine spoil / 1980
Eating dirt : deep forests, big timber, and life with the tree-planting tribe / 2011
Effects of bank stabilization on the physical and chemical characteristics of streams and small rivers 1980
Effects of bank stabiliztion on the physical and chemical characteristics of streams and small rivers : an annotated bibliography / 1980
Engineering specification guidelines for wetland plant establishment and subgrade preparation / 1998
Experimental Air Exclusion System for Field Studies of SO2 Effects on Crop Productivity. 1977
Forestation and Forest Management Options and Their Costs at the Site Level. 1991
Growing greener cities : a tree-planting handbook / 1992
Guide to Planting Seagrasses in the Gulf of Mexico. 1994
Guidelines for bank stabilization projects in the riverine environments of King County / 1993
Impact of Global Climate Change on Rice Production in Asia: A Simulation Study. 1994
Institutional Farms: Test Facilities for Integrated Pest Management Strategies. 1978
Join Taking Root's mission to save & grow our tree canopy. 2023
Join the campaign : plant trees, register, volunteer : how to plant a tree. 0
Life at the water's edge : living in harmony with your backyard stream / 2000
Methods for evaluating riparian habitats with applications to management / 1987
Midwest community tree guide : benefits, costs, and strategic planting / 2006
Minisite preparation for reforestation of strip-mined lands / 1980
Our reclamation future : the missing bet on trees / 1978
Our Reclamation Future, the Missing Bet on Trees. 1978
Pest Control: An Assessment of Present and Alternative Technologies. Volume II. Corn/Soybeans Pest Control. 1976
Pest Control: An Assessment of Present and Alternative Technologies. Volume III. Cotton Pest Control. 1976
Pilot levee maintenance study. 1967
Planning biotechnical streambank protection 2002
Plant species composition of Wisconsin prairies : an aid to selecting species for plantings and restorations based upon University of Wisconsin-Madison Plant Ecology Laboratory data / 1995
Planting red oak under oak/yellow-poplar shelterwoods : a provisional prescription / 2000
Response of Skinner Lake (Indiana) to Agricultural Drainage. 1983
Revegetating processed oil shale and coal spoils on semi-arid lands : Interim report / 1979
Revegetation augmentation of surface mines with treated acid mine drainage / 1980
Riparian forest buffer design and maintenance / 2005
Riparian forest buffers : function and design for protection and enhancement of water resources / 1991
Riparian forest buffers : function and design for protection and enhancement of water resources / 1991
Riparian forest buffers : restoring and managing a vital Chesapeake resource : conference proceedings, October 5-6, 1994, Ellicott City, Maryland. 1995
Riparian restoration and streamside erosion control handbook / 1994
Riparian vegetation effectiveness 2000
Shannon Slough Trust Fund Project : Final Report / 1996
Silvicultural activities and non-point pollution abatement : a cost-effectiveness analysis procedure / 1978
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