Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 14
Showing: Items 1 - 14
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Plant chemistry)

Select Item Title Year Published
Biotransformation and chemical form of mercury in plants / 1976
Ethylmercury : formation in plant tissues and relation to methylmercury formation / 1978
Factors Controlling the Emissions of Monoterpenes and Other Volatile Organic Compounds. 1990
Gas Resistance and Certain Characteristics of Absorption of S3502 by Lawn Grasses (Gazoustoichivost i Nekotorye Osobennosti Pogloshcheniya S3502 Gazonnymi Travami). 1971
Methylmercury : formation in plant tissues / 1976
Movement of mercury-203 in plants / 1977
Ozone and vascular tissue differentiation in plants / 1976
Plant Protective Response to Enhanced UV-B Radiation under Field Conditions: Leaf Optical Properties and Photosynthesis. 1985
Plutonium uptake by plants grown in solution culture / 1978
Rapid Assays of Plant Responses to Herbicide Treatment. 1988
Rapid Biochemical Technique for Phytotoxicity Modes-of-Action of Herbicides. Part I. 1978
Soil Nitrogen Cycle. A Bibliography. 1972
Soil-Mediated Effects of Atmospheric Deposition on Eastern U.S. Spruce-Fir Forests. 1992
Tritium accumulation in lettuce fumigated with elemental tritium / 1976

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