Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 25
Showing: Items 1 - 25
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Planetary boundary layer)

Select Item Title Year Published
Application of a New Land-Surface, Dry Deposition, and PBL Model in the Models-3 Community Multi-Scale Air Quality (CMAQ) Model System. 2000
Bulk model for the atmospheric planetary boundary layer. 1979
Comparison of Measured and Modeled Surface Fluxes of Heat, Moisture, and Chemical Dry Deposition. 1996
Current Progress in the AERMIC Model Development Program. 1996
Diurnal and Seasonal Patterns of Temperature and Wind Flow in the Planetary Boundary Layer for Ten Locations in Complex Terrain. 1984
Effects of Uncertainty in Meteorological Inputs on O3 Concentration, O3 Production Efficiency, and O3 Sensitivity to Emissions Reductions in the Regional Acid Deposition Model. 1998
Estimation of Atmospheric Boundary Layer Parameters for Diffusion Applications. 1985
Evaluation of a Coupled Land-Surface and Dry Deposition Model through Comparison to Field Measurements of Surface Heat, Moisture, and Ozone Fluxes. 1997
Growth and Decay of Turbulent Mixing in the Planetary Boundary Layer. 1972
Implementation and Experimentation of an Advanced Land-Surface/PBL Model in the Penn State/NCAR Mesoscale Model (MM4). 1993
Incorporation of planetary boundary layer processes into numerical forecasting models. 1977
Modeling of the effects of pollutants and dispersion in urban atmospheres / 1976
Prediction by numerical models of transport and diffusion in an urban boundary layer, v.1- 1971
Probing the atmospheric boundary layer 1986
Radiative effects of pollutants on the planetary boundary layer / 1976
Role of Diabatic Heating in Generating Lower Tropospheric Mesoscale Circulations. 1979
Select research group in air pollution meteorology : third annual progress report / 1978
Stably stratified flows flow and dispersion over topography : based on the proceedings of the Fourth Conference on Stably Stratified Flows, organized by the Institute of Mathematics and Its Applications and held at the University of Surrey in September, 1992 / 1994
Structure of the Planetary Boundary Layer and Implications for Its Modeling. 1985
The growth and decay of turbulent mixing in the planetary boundary layer / 1972
The planetary boundary-layer of the atmosphere / 1973
Updates and Evaluation of the PX-LSM in MM5. 2001
Use of Four-Dimensional Data Assimilation in a Limited-Area Mesoscale Model Part 2: Effects of Data Assimilation within the Planetary Boundary Layer. 1991
Vertical fluxes and exchange coefficients in the air over St. Louis : field program 1975 / 1977
Workshop on the Planetary Boundary Layer : 14-18 August 1978, Boulder, Colorado 1980

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