Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 11
Showing: Items 1 - 11
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Pitot tubes)

Select Item Title Year Published
A quality assurance program for the EPA/Shawnee wet limestone scrubber demonstration program / 1976
A study on the accuracy of type-S pitot tubes / 1977
A type-s pitot tube calibration study / 1975
Angular flow insensitive pitot tube suitable for use with standard stack testing equipment / 1979
Cross-stack optical convolution velocimeter : development and evaluation of a breadboard design / 1979
Establishment of a baseline coefficient value for properly constructed Type-S pitot tubes / 1977
Final report on interlaboratory cooperative study of the precision of the determination of the average velocity in a duct (pitot tube method) using ASTM method D 3154-72 / 1974
Recommended procedure for sample traverses in ducts smaller than 12 inches in diameter / 1977
Stack sampling technical information : a collection of monographs and papers / 1978
Test Section of the Wind Tunnel for Jet Propulsion Research of the Dfvlr at Trauen. 1971
The use of Type-S pitot tubes for the measurement of low velocities / 1977

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