Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 35
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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Piceance Creek)

Select Item Title Year Published
Air Pollution Potential in the Piceance Basin 1975
An isotopic biogeochemical study of the Green River oil shale (Piceance Creek Basin, Colorado) / 1993
Development, evolution, and destruction of the saline mineral area of Eocene Lake Uinta, Piceance Basin, Western Colorado / 2015
Draft Environmental Impact Statement Yankee Gulch Sodium Minerals Project American Soda, L.L.P. 1999
Effects of chemical variations in aquatic environments / 1973
Effects of Chemical Variations in Aquatic Environments. Volume I. Biota and Chemistry of Piceance Creek 1973
Energy resources of the Piceance Creek Basin, Colorado : twenty-fifth field conference, Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists, Denver, Colorado, 1974 1974
Environmental effects of oil shale mining and processing : part I, fishes of Piceance Creek, Colorado, prior to oil shale processing. / 1978
Environmental effects of oil shale mining and processing : part II, the aquatic marcroinvertebrates of the Piceance basin, Colorado, prior to oil shale processing / 1978
Environmental effects of oil shale mining and processing : part III, the water quality of Piceance Creek, Colorado, prior to oil shale processing / 1979
Environmental effects of oil shale mining and processing. 1978
Environmental inventory, analysis, and impact study : Piceance Creek Basin, Rio Blanco and Garfield Counties, Colorado / prepared for the state of Colorado by Hubert D. Burke and Evan C. Vlachos. 1974
Evaluation of hillslope and channel erosion related to oil-shale development in the Piceance Basin, northwestern Colorado 1975
Geochemical variation in soils in the Piceance Creek basin, western Colorado : a geochemical baseline study of the composition of soils in a major oil-shale area / 1980
Geohydrologic data from the Piceance Creek basin between the White and Colorado Rivers, northwestern Colorado / 1968
Geohydrology of the Piceance Creek structural basin between the White and Colorado Rivers, northwestern Colorado 1971
Green River air quality model development : meteorological and tracer data--July/August 1982 field study in Brush Valley, Colorado / 1984
Green River air quality model development : meteorological data - August 1980 field study in the Piceance Creek Basin oil shale resources area / 1982
Green River air quality model development : meteorological data--August 1980 field study in the Piceance Creek Basin oil shale resources area / 1982
Hydrologic and geophysical data from the Piceance Basin, Colorado 1974
Hydrologic data from the Piceance Basin, Colorado 1974
Identification of Water Quality Problem Areas 1976
Oil shale, water resources, and valuable minerals of the Piceance basin, Colorado : the challenge and choices of development / 1987
Potential effects of oil shale extraction and processing activities on aquatic macroinvertebrates of the Piceance Creek Basin, Colorado : review of literature / 1975
Report on economics of environmental protection for a federal oil shale leasing program 1971
Revegetation research on oil shale lands in the Piceance Basin : executive summary 1981
Selected hydrologic data from the Piceance Basin, Colorado 1973
Simulated effects of oil-shale development on the hydrology of Piceance basin, Colorado / 1974
Surface Mining of Oil Shale in the Piceance Creek Basin of Colorado - Environmental Considerations 1970
Surface rehabilitation of land disturbances resulting from oil shale development : executive summary / 1974
Surface rehabilitation of land disturbances resulting from oil shale development : final report, Phase 1: to the Colorado Department of Natural Resources / 1974
Technical and economic study of candidate underground mining systems for deep, thick oil shale deposits : final report, phase II 1976
Tertiary geology and oil-shale resources of the Piceance Creek basin, between the Colorado and White Rivers, northwestern Colorado / 1961
Thermal Infrared Survey, Piceance Creek, Meeker, Colorado 1983
Upper Colorado River Basin Salinity Control Project: Plugging Meeker and Piceance Creek Wells 1968

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