Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Phytoplankton)

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Select Item Title Year Published
Distribution of phytoplankton in Kentucky lakes / 1978
Distribution of phytoplankton in Louisiana lakes / 1979
Distribution of phytoplankton in Louisiana lakes / 1978
Distribution of phytoplankton in Maryland lakes / 1977
Distribution of phytoplankton in Maryland Lakes. 1977
Distribution of phytoplankton in Mississippi lakes / 1977
Distribution of phytoplankton in Mississippi Lakes. 1977
Distribution of phytoplankton in Missouri lakes / 1978
Distribution of phytoplankton in Missouri lakes / 1979
Distribution of phytoplankton in Montana lakes / 1979
Distribution of phytoplankton in Nebraska lakes / 1978
Distribution of phytoplankton in Nebraska lakes / 1979
Distribution of phytoplankton in Nevada lakes / 1979
Distribution of phytoplankton in New Jersey lakes / 1978
Distribution of phytoplankton in New Jersey lakes / 1977
Distribution of phytoplankton in New Mexico lakes / 1979
Distribution of phytoplankton in North Carolina lakes / 1978
Distribution of phytoplankton in North Carolina lakes / 1977
Distribution of phytoplankton in North Dakota lakes / 1979
Distribution of phytoplankton in North Dakota lakes / 1978
Distribution of phytoplankton in Ohio lakes / 1978
Distribution of phytoplankton in Ohio lakes / 1977
Distribution of phytoplankton in Oklahoma lakes / 1978
Distribution of phytoplankton in Oklahoma lakes / 1979
Distribution of phytoplankton in Oregon lakes / 1979
Distribution of phytoplankton in South Carolina lakes / 1977
Distribution of phytoplankton in South Dakota lakes / 1979
Distribution of phytoplankton in South Dakota lakes / 1978
Distribution of phytoplankton in Tennessee lakes / 1977
Distribution of phytoplankton in Tennessee lakes / 1978
Distribution of phytoplankton in Texas lakes / 1978
Distribution of phytoplankton in Texas lakes / 1979
Distribution of phytoplankton in Utah lakes / 1979
Distribution of phytoplankton in Virginia lakes / 1977
Distribution of phytoplankton in Virginia lakes / 1977
Distribution of phytoplankton in Washington lakes / 1979
Distribution of phytoplankton in West Virginia lakes / 1977
Distribution of phytoplankton in West Virginia lakes / 1977
Distribution of phytoplankton in Wyoming lakes / 1979
Distribution of phytoplankton populations in Sandy Hook Bay and adjacent areas in relation to hydrographic conditions in June 1962 / 1966
Distribution, Composition and Biomass of the Crustacean Zooplankton Population in Western Lake Superior. 1973
Dynamic Water Quality Forecasting and Management. 1973
Dynamics of Phytoplankton Blooms in Puget Sound, a Fjord in the Northwestern United States. 1974
Ecologic Impact of the Interactions Among Microorganisms and Aquatic Contaminents in Lake Erie, Phase I and Phase II. 1971
Ecological impact of integrated chemical and biological aquatic weed control : final report {MICROFICHE} / 1983
Ecological study of the phytoplankton of Raritan Bay 1965
Ecology of shallow lakes 1998
Effect of Dredging Lilly Lake, Wisconsin. 1984
Effect of Environmental Factors on Phytoplankton Growth: Light and the Interactions of Light with Nitrate Limitation (Journal Version). 1981
Effect of Environmental Factors on Phytoplankton Growth: Temperature and the Interactions of Temperature with Nutrient Limitation (Journal Version). 1981
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