Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 1943
Showing: Items 351 - 400
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Physiology)

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Select Item Title Year Published
Critical factors controlling vegetation growth on completed sanitary landfills / 1981
Critical Issues in Intra- and Interspecies Dosimetry of Ozone. 1989
Critical Thermal Maximum of Juvenile Spot, Leiostomus Xanthurus, Lacepede. 1971
Crop and Forest Losses Due to Current and Projected Emissions from Coal-Fired Power Plants in the Ohio River Basin. 1982
Current advances in andrology : proceedings of the VIth International Congress of Andrology, Salzburg (Austria), May 25-29, 1997 / 1997
Current Ornithology Volume 17 [electronic resource] / 2010
Cyanobacterial physiology : from fundamentals to biotechnology / 2022
Cyclic AMP and cell function. 1971
Cytochrome P-450 and active oxygen 1990
Cytochrome P450 : structure, mechanism, and biochemistry / 2005
Cytochrome P450 structure, mechanism, and biochemistry / 1995
Cytokines and adhesion molecules in lung inflammation 1996
Data Sources Available for Modeling Environmental Exposures in Older Adults. Report for APM 70 (2010); Provide Program Offices and the Exposure Science Community with Human Exposure Activity Pattern and Exposure Factor Data for Older Adults. 2011
DDT Concentrations in Blood, Brain, and CSF of Rats After DDT-Induced Convulsions. 1970
Deciphering Growth [electronic resource] / 2005
Decompression-decompression sickness 1984
Degreaser System Pollution Prevention Evaluation. 1990
Dehydrogenation: A Previously Unreported Pathway of Lindane Metabolism in Mammals. 1975
Dermal absorption and toxicity assessment 1998
Desert Plants Biology and Biotechnology / [electronic resource] : 2010
Design and Measurement Considerations for Exercise Protocols in Human Air Pollution Inhalation Studies. 1985
Design of a simple plant exposure chamber / 1963
Detailed Research Plan: Cardiovascular Effects of Noise. 1981
Determination of factors influencing year class strength in northern pike and largemouth bass, 1958
Determining Fetal Pulmonary Maturity by Testing Surfactant in Amniotic Fluid. 1974
Detoxification of Heavy Metals [electronic resource] / 2011
Development and evolution of brain size : behavioral implications / 1979
Development and plasticity of the brain : an introduction / 1978
Development and Reproduction in Humans and Animal Model Species [electronic resource] / 2015
Development of a Protocol to Assess Reproductive Effects of Toxicants in the Rat. 1988
Development of Industrial Hygiene Sampling and Analytical Methodology for Evaluation of Exposures to TNT and Associated Explosives. 1975
Development of Techniques and Methodology for the Laboratory Culture of Striped Bass, 'Morone saxatilis' (Walbaum). 1980
Developmental Biology of Peripheral Lymphoid Organs [electronic resource] / 2011
Developmental Malformation of Frog Embryos: An Analysis of Teratogenicity of Chemical Mixtures. 1991
Developmental neurotoxicity in mice neonatally co-exposed to environmental agents : PCB, PBDE, methyl mercury and ionized radiation - interactions and effects / by / 2008
Developmental Toxicity of Dichloroacetonitrile: A By-Product of Drinking Water Disinfection. 1989
Developmental toxicology : risk assessment and the future / 1990
Device for stamina measurement of fingerling salmonids 1964
Diabetes - Perspectives in Drug Therapy [electronic resource] / 2011
Diesel Exhaust: A Critical Analysis of Emissions, Exposure, and Health Effects. A Special Report of the Institute's Diesel Working Group. 1995
Dietary Cadmium and Enteropathy in the Japanese Quail. Histochemical and Ultrastructural Studies. 1974
Dietary Influences on Disease Resistance Factors in Channel Catfish. 1989
Differences in Inflammatory Responses to Exposures of Concentrated Ambient Particles in Susceptible Volunteers. 2010
Differing Response of Asthmatics to Sulfur Dioxide Exposure with Continuous and Intermittent Exercise. 1986
Digestive physiology and metabolism in ruminants 1980
Discoveries in Photosynthesis [electronic resource] / 2005
Disruption of Sulfur Metabolism in Plants Affected by Air Pollution (Narushenie Sernogo Obmena v Rasteniyakh pod Vliyanem Zagryazneniya Atmosfernogo Vozdukha). 1974
Dissolved oxygen requirements of freshwater fishes, 1970
Dissolved oxygen, temperature, survival of young at fish spawning sites / 1976
Disturbances in the reproductive systems of reptiles and amphibians / 1981
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