Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 61
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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Physiological Phenomena)

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Select Item Title Year Published
Air pollution and plant life / 1984
Annual review of plant biology. 2002
Annual review of plant physiology and plant molecular biology. 1988
Annual review of plant physiology. 1950
Applied technologies in pulmonary medicine / 2011
Calcium transport and cell function / 1978
Calmodulin and cell functions / 1980
Calmodulin and intracellular Ca+ receptors / 1982
Cell physiology sourcebook : a molecular approach / 2001
Cell physiology sourcebook : essentials of membrane biophysics / 2012
Designing foods : animal product options in the marketplace / 1988
Diet, nutrition, and cancer / 1982
Dietary guidelines for Americans, 2015-2020 / 2015
Dietary reference intakes : for calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, vitamin D, and fluoride / 1997
Dietary reference intakes for energy, carbohydrate, fiber, fat, fatty acids, cholesterol, protein, and amino acids / 2005
Eat, drink, and be healthy : the Harvard Medical School guide to healthy eating / 2005
Environmental biology / 1966
Environmental stress and cellular response in arthropods / 2004
Essential cell biology / 2009
Essential cell biology / 2019
Essentials of pathophysiology : concepts of altered health states / 2015
Food and life. 1939
Foundations of systems biology / 2001
Genetic engineering for nitrogen fixation / 1977
In defense of food : an eater's manifesto / 2008
Lewin's cells. 2011
Metabolome analysis : an introduction / 2007
Methods in cell physiology. 1964
Mineral tolerance of animals / 2005
Modeling the metabolic and physiologic activities of microorganisms / 1992
Modern nutrition in health and disease. 2014
Molecular aspects of the stress response : chaperones, membranes and networks / 2007
Molecular machines in biology : workshop of the cell / 2011
Monitoring dietary intakes / 1991
Neuroscience / 2004
Neurotensin, a brain and gastrointestinal peptide / 1982
Nutrient requirements of dogs and cats / 2006
Nutrient requirements of nonhuman primates / 2003
Nutrient requirements of warmwater fishes / 1977
Nutritional bioavailability of manganese / 1987
Pathophysiology : the biologic basis for disease in adults and children / 2019
Physical techniques in biological research / 1955
Physiology of the bacterial cell : a molecular approach / 1990
Planning a WIC research agenda : workshop summary / 2011
Plant cell physiology; a physicochemical approach 1970
Proceedings of the Symposium on Experimental Models for Pulmonary Research / 1979
Responses of plants to environmental stresses 1972
Steroids and the nervous system / 2003
Sugars in nutrition. 1974
Terpenoids in plants : proceedings of the Phytochemical Group Symposium, Aberystwyth, April 1966 / 1967
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