Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 15
Showing: Items 1 - 15
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Photography Aerial)

Select Item Title Year Published
Aerial detection of spill sources / 1973
Aerial reconnaissance of hazardous substances spills and spill-threat conditions / 1979
Aerial spill detection key, petroleum refineries 1972
Airphoto analysis of ocean outfall dispersion / 1971
Calculation of evapotranspiration using color-infrared photography / 1977
Characterization of vegetation and drainage in strip mined land utilizing remote sensing techniques / 1979
Hydrology of Limestone Terranes: Photogeologic Investigations. 1970
Interpretation of aerial photographs / 1977
Investigation of visible region instrumentation for oceanographic satellites. volume i. 1967
Photogrammetric engineering and remote sensing. 1975
Small format aerial photography 1996
Small format aerial photography / 1996
Study to evaluate the utility of aerial surveillance methods in water quality monitoring; final report, 1970
Submarine Spring Explorations. Northwest Coast of Puerto Rico. 1971
Surface coal mining in the Northern Great Plains of the western United States : an introduction and inventory utilizing aerial photography collected in 1974 and 1975 / 1976

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