Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Photochemistry)

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Select Item Title Year Published
Photochemistry of environmental aquatic systems : developed from a symposium sponsored by the Divisions of Geochemistry and Environmental Chemistry at the 189th Meeting of the American Chemical Society, Miami Beach, Florida, April 28-May 3, 1985 / 1987
Photochemistry of small molecules 1978
Photochemistry of some naturally emitted hydrocarbons / 1979
Photochemistry. 1969
Photophysical and photochemical properties of aromatic compounds 1992
Photoreactivity of Aquatic Pollutants Sorbed on Suspended Sediments. 1979
Photothermal Detoxification of Air Toxics. 1993
Phytoplankton water quality relationships in U.S. lakes / 1978
Pilot Study of Ultraviolet Radiation in Los Angeles Oct 1965. 1967
Pilot study of ultraviolet radiation in Los Angeles, October 1965 : a report on concurrent measurements made by cooperating organizations by various methods / 1967
Plant cell physiology; a physicochemical approach 1970
Plume-in-Grid Treatment of Major Elevated Point-Source Emissions in Models-3. 1997
Prenatal Effects of Dieldrin and Photodieldrin in Mice and Rats. 1974
Principles and applications of photochemistry 1988
Procedures for quantifying relationships between photochemical oxidants and precursors : supporting documentation. 1978
Proceedings of Symposium on 1975 Northeast Oxidant Transport Study : Research Triangle Park North Carolina, January 20-21, 1976 / 1977
Processes Affecting the Fate of Oil in the Sea. 1980
Processing Emission Inventory Data in the Models-3 Integrated Distributed Modeling System: A Tutorial Example. 1997
Progress in Photochemical Air Quality Simulation Modeling. 1983
Progress report on the photochemistry of polluted atmospheres 1960
Project Da Vinci II : data analysis and interpretation / 1978
Protocol for applying and validating the CMB model for PM2.5 and VOC 2004
QELS '96 : summaries of papers presented at the Quantum Electronics and Laser Science Conference, June 2-7, 1996, Anaheim Convention Center, Anaheim, California / 1996
Quality Assurance Project Plan for the Photochemical Assessment Monitoring Stations (PAMS) Required Site Network for speciated volatile organic compounds, carbonyls, and meteorological parameters including mixing layer height : April 2019. 2019
Quantifying Subgrid Pollutant Variability in Eulerian Air Quality Models / 2004
Quantum Yields for Reaction of Pollutants in Dilute Aqueous Solution. 1977
Rates of Direct Photolysis in Aquatic Environment. 1977
Reaction rate and photochemical data for atmospheric chemistry, 1977 / 1978
Reactive hydrocarbon control costs for Los Angeles / 1977
Reactive Plume Model (RPM-IV) (for Microcomputers). 1996
Reactive Plume Model IV (RPM-IV) User's Guide. 1993
Reactivity of organic substances in atmospheric photooxidation reactions / 1965
Regional Oxidant Modeling of the Northeast U.S.. 1985
Regulations and Research Related to Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs): Meeting the Ozone Standard Nationwide by 2010. 1993
Resistance to Photochemical Decomposition of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons Vapor-Adsorbed on Coal Fly Ash. 1980
Response Differences between Two Soybean Cultivars with Contrasting UV-B Radiation Sensitivities. 1988
Review and evaluation of available techniques for determining persistence and routes of degradation of chemical substances in the environment / 1981
Review and Evaluation of Available Techniques for Determining Persistence and Routes of Degradation of Chemical Substances in the Environment: An Update of the 1975 Report. 1981
Review of the environmental fate of selected chemicals / 1977
Science Features in Models-3 Community Multiscale Air Quality System. 1997
Sensitivity of Complex Photochemical Model Estimates to Detail in Input Information - Appendix B: Specification and Assessment of Airshed Model Input Requirements. 1981
Sensitivity of complex photochemical model estimates to detail in input information {microform} / 1981
Sensitivity of the Regional Oxidant Model to Meterological Parameters. 1993
Sensitivity of the UAM to Boundary Conditions. 1996
Simulating Urban Air Toxics Over Continental and Urban Scales. 2004
Singlet Oxygen in Natural Waters. 1977
Sources and applications of ultraviolet radiation / 1983
Spatial Mapping of Preferred Strategies for Reducing Ambient Ozone Concentrations Nationwide. 1994
Spatiotemporal Variability of Total Column Ozone Derived from TOMS Using Rotated Principal Component Analysis. 1996
St. Louis ozone modeling project 1983
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