Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Petroleum refining)

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Select Item Title Year Published
1980 Refining process handbook. 1980
2008 refining processes handbook. 2008
2011 refining processes handbook. 2011
Advanced oil processing/utilization environmental engineering : EPA program status report / 1978
Advanced refining program : FCC and sulfur recovery : United States Environmental Protection Agency, Dallas, Texas, May 20, 21, 22, 2002 / 2002
Advances in petroleum chemistry and refining. 1958
Air and Water Pollution Studies Related to Proposed Petroleum Refinery for Sand Island, Oahu, Territory of Hawaii. 1955
Air Pollution Control Technology and Costs in Nine Selected Areas. 1972
Alaska Petrochemical Company refinery and petrochemical facility, Valdez, Alaska : final environmental impact statement / 1980
Alberta Department of Energy : policy review Jacobs Consultancy : EU pathway study (2012). 2012
Alternatives for Hazardous Waste Management in the Petroleum Refining Industry. 1979
Amoco-U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Pollution Prevention Project, Yorktown Virginia. Risk Reduction Benefits of Pollution Prevention Options. 1993
Amoco-U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Pollution Prevention Project, Yorktown, Virginia. Supplemental Report. 1994
Amoco-U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Pollution Prevention Project, Yorktown, Virginia: Executive Summary (Revised May 1992). 1991
Amoco-U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Pollution Prevention Project, Yorktown, Virginia: Groundwater and Soil Data. 1991
Amoco-U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Pollution Prevention Project, Yorktown, Virginia: Measurements of Hydrocarbon Emissions and Ambient Air Concentrations at the Amoco Yorktown Refinery. Air Quality Data. Volume 1. 1991
Amoco-U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Pollution Prevention Project, Yorktown, Virginia: Pollution Prevention Workshop. 1991
Amoco-U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Pollution Prevention Project, Yorktown, Virginia: Project Peer Review. Report of the Peer Review Committee of the Amoco/EPA Pollution Prevention Project at the Yorktown, Virginia Refinery. 1991
Amoco-U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Pollution Prevention Project, Yorktown, Virginia: Public Perceptions. Report of Observations, Thoughtleader Interviews and Focus Groups Yorktown Refinery Public Perception Study. 1991
Amoco-U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Pollution Prevention Project, Yorktown, Virginia: Solid Waste Data. 1991
Amoco-U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Pollution Prevention Project, Yorktown, Virginia: Surface Water Data. 1991
Amoco-U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Pollution Prevention Project, Yorktown, Virginia: Yorktown Refinery Project Workplan. 1990
Amoco-U.S. EPA Pollution Prevention Project, Yorktown, Virginia: Projects, Evaluations, and Rankings. 1993
Analytical variability of five wastewater parameters : petroleum refining industry / 1976
Approaches to the characterization of aqueous effluents from the oil refining industry : CONCAWE/IUPAC international workshop : University of Leuven, 28-30 August 1981 / 1982
Assessing Detoxification and Degradation of Wood Preserving and Petroleum Wastes in Contaminated Soil. 1990
Assessment of atmospheric emissions from petroleum refining / 1980
Assessment of atmospheric emissions from petroleum refining / 1981
Assessment of Atmospheric Emissions from Petroleum Refining: Volume 1. Technical Report. 1980
Assessment of Atmospheric Emissions from Petroleum Refining: Volume 5. Appendix F. 1980
Assessment of hazardous waste practices in the petroleum refining industry / 1976
Assessment of Hazardous Waste Practices in the Petroleum Refining Industry. 1976
Assessment of industrial hazardous waste management petroleum rerefining industry. 1977
Assessment of the petroleum industry hazardous waste source reduction planning efforts / 1997
Atmospheric Emissions from Catalytic Cracking Unit Regenerator Stacks. 1957
Atmospheric Emissions From Petroleum Refineries. A Guide for Measurement and Control. 1960
Atmospheric emissions from the petroleum refining industry / 1973
Availability of residual fuel oil; Task no. 2 final report 1970
Background Document for Capacity Analysis for Land Disposal Restrictions: Newly Identified Petroleum Refining Wastes (Final Rule). 1998
Background document for capacity analysis for newly listed wastes and hazardous debris to support 40 CFR 268 land disposal restrictions (final rule) : Volume 1, capacity analysis methodology and results. Appendix A, organic waste phone logs. Appendix B, hazardous debris issues and concerns. 1992
Background documents for the cost and economic impact analysis of listing four petroleum refining wastes as hazardous under RCRA subtitle C 1998
Benzene fugitive emissions : background information for promulgated standards / 1982
Best Demonstrated Available Technology (BDAT) Background Document for Universal Standards. Volume A. Universal Standards for Nonwastewater Forms of Listed Hazardous Wastes. 1994
Catalytic desulfurization and denitrogenation / 1975
Characterization of Claus Plant Emissions. 1973
Characterization of sulfur recovery from refinery fuel gas / 1974
Characterization of sulfur recovery in oil and natural gas production / 1974
Chemically active fluid-bed process for sulphur removal during gasification of heavy fuel oil : (third phase) / 1976
Chemically active fluid-bed process for sulphur removal during gasification of heavy fuel oil : fourth phase / 1979
Chemically active fluid-bed process for sulphur removal during gasification of heavy fuel oil : second phase / 1973
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