Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Petroleum refining)

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Select Item Title Year Published
Evaluation of Chemical and Biological Methods for the Identification of Mutagenic and Cytotoxic Hazardous Waste Samples. 1984
Evaluation of Measurement Methods and Instrumentation for Odorous Compounds in Stationary Sources. Volume I - State of the Art. 1972
Evaluation of Monitoring Methods and Instrumentation for Hydrocarbons and Carbon Monoxide in Stationary Source Emissions. 1972
Feasibility Study of the Availability of International Petroleum Supply Data. 1971
Field surveillance and enforcement guide for petrochemical refineries. 1974
Final amendment to the final Best demonstrated available technology (BDAT) background document for wastes from the petroleum refining industry : K048, K049, K050, K051, K052 / 1990
Fired heaters : nitrogen oxides emissions and controls / 1988
Fuel : the global business of fuels. 2006
Fundamentals of petroleum refining [electronic resource] / 2010
Fundamentals of resid upgrading 1989
Gasoline sulfur standards / 2016
Generation and management of residual materials petroleum refining performance 1991 survey / 1994
Generation and management of wastes and secondary materials : petroleum refining performance 1989 survey. 1992
Groundwater contamination from refinery operations : final report / 1988
Guidance for the Analysis of Refinery Wastes. 1985
Guide for the application of effluent limitations guidelines for the petroleum refining point source category. 1985
Handbook of petroleum refining processes / 2003
Handbook of petroleum refining processes / 2016
Handbook of petroleum refining processes. 1997
Handling, Treatment and Disposal of Wastewater Sludge. 1975
Health hazards from aromatic hydrocarbons; a manual for petroleum refinery managers and safety directors. 1962
High acid crudes / 2014
Highway and nonroad, locomotive, and marine (NRLM) diesel fuel sulfur standards / 2016
Hydrocarbon emissions from refineries, July, 1973 1973
Hydrocarbon Leakage from Pressure Relief Valves. 1957
Hydrocarbon Losses from Valves and Flanges. 1957
Hydrofinishing of re-refined used lubricating oil : topical report 1900
Identification of Toxic Components in Oil Refinery Effluents and Determination of Their Effect Upon the Aquatic Biota. 1972
Impact of Costs Associated with New Environmental Standards upon the Petroleum Refining Industry. Part 1. Executive Summary. 1971
Impact of Costs Associated with New Environmental Standards upon the Petroleum Refining Industry. Part 2. Structure of the Industry. 1971
Impact of Costs Associated with New Environmental Standards upon the Petroleum Refining Industry. Part 3. The Impact of Environmental Control Costs. 1971
Impact of Producing Low-Sulfur, Unleaded Motor Gasoline on the Petroleum Refining Industry. Volume I. Project Summary. 1976
Impact of SOx Emissions Control on Petroleum Refining Industry. Volume I. Study Results and Planning Assumptions. 1976
Impact of SOx Emissions Control on Petroleum Refining Industry. Volume II. Detailed Study Results. 1976
Indian Institute of Petroleum turns a golden leaf : a commemorative issue on golden jubilee of Indian Institute of Petroleum. 2010
Industrial process profiles for environmental use : chapter 3. Petroleum refining industry / 1977
Industrial waste disposal for petroleum refineries and allied plants. 1947
Industry response to SARA Title III : pollution prevention, risk reduction and risk communication / 1994
Interim Progress Report. 1956
Inventory of combustion-related emissions from stationary sources / 1976
Laboratory assessment of potential hydrocarbon emissions from land treatment of refinery oily sludges / 1984
Listing background document for the 1992-1996 petroleum refining listing determination / 1995
Locating and estimating air emissions from sources of 1,3-butadiene. 1996
Manual of Electrostatic Precipitator Technology. Part II - Application Areas. 1970
Manual on disposal of refinery wastes : volume on liquid wastes. 1969
Methane emissions from the U.S. petroleum industry : final report / 1999
Notice of Data Availability (NODA) Response to Comment Document, Part 1. 1998
Occupational exposures in petroleum refining, crude oil and major petroleum fuels. 1989
Oil availability by sulfur levels / 1971
Oil loss control in the petroleum industry proceedings of an international meeting organized by the Institute of Petroleum and held in London in October 1984 / 1985
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