Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 23
Showing: Items 1 - 23
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Petroleum refineries Environmental aspects United States)

Select Item Title Year Published
Ambient hydrocarbon and ozone concentrations near a refinery / 1983
Ambient hydrocarbon and ozone concentrations near a refinery / 1983
An evaluation of subsurface conditions at refinery land treatment sites / 1984
Common sense initiative : petroleum refining sector : one-stop reporting and public access project : executive summary / 1996
Control of refinery vacuum producing systems, wastewater separators and process unit turnarounds / 1977
Development document for effluent limitations guidelines new source performance standards and pretreatment standards for the petroleum refining point source category. 1982
EIA guidelines for new source petroleum refineries and coal gasification facilities. 1994
Environmental impact guidelines for new source petroleum refineries : draft report for review / 1978
Environmental impact guidelines for new source petroleum refineries. 1981
Environmental problem definition for petroleum refineries, synthetic natural gas plants, and liquefied natural gas plants / 1975
EPA needs to demonstrate whether it has achieved the goals it set under the National Petroleum Refinery Initiative / 2014
Final NESHAP standards for waste operations : basis for impact calculations / 1990
Industrial process profiles for environmental use : chapter 3. Petroleum refining industry / 1977
Proceedings, Symposium on Atmospheric Emissions from Petroleum Refineries (November 1979, Austin, TX) / 1980
Refineries and cleaner fuels : reducing sulfur to improve the air. 2001
Review of new source performance standards for petroleum refinery claus sulfur recovery plants : preliminary draft / 1983
Review of new source performance standards for petroleum refinery claus sulfur recovery plants. 1983
Some environmental considerations in the petroleum refining industry : technical memorandum ; prepared by Radian staff. 1974
Spill prevention, control and countermeasure practices at small petroleum facilities / 1980
Standards support and environmental impact statement / 1976
Update of national petroleum refinery inventory / 1981
VOC emissions from petroleum refinery wastewater systems--background information for proposed standards / 1985
VOC emissions from petroleum refinery wastewater systems--background information for proposed standards : preliminary draft / 1984

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