Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 52
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Select Item Title Year Published
An analysis of the regulatory aspects of fuel oil supply. 1973
An analysis of the regulatory aspects of fuel oil supply; (abridged report). 1973
Automotive fuel economy program 1977
Basic petroleum data book; petroleum industry statistics. 1975
Blood and oil : the dangers and consequences of America's growing dependency on imported petroleum / 2004
Blood and oil : the dangers and consequences of America's growing petroleum dependency / 2004
Color of oil : the history, the money and the politics of the world's biggest business / 2000
Comprehensive safety recommendations for land-based oil and gas well drilling. 1984
Crude oil movement by water: 1974. 1976
Economic impact analysis for the brick and structural clay products manufacturing NESHAP : final rule. 2003
Economic impact analysis of the clay ceramics manufacturing NESHAP : final rule. 2003
Energy consumption : the primary metals and petroleum industries / 1975
Energy policy and conservation act : conference report to accompany S. 622. 1975
Environmental conservation, the oil and gas industries / 1971
Environmental expenditures of the United States petroleum industry 1967-1976 : based on a survey conducted by the Environmental Affairs Dept. 1977
Environmental expenditures of the United States petroleum industry, 1968-1977 : based on a survey conducted by the Environmental Affairs Dept. 1978
Environmental research : a status report / 1972
Environmental research; annual status report, February 1977 0
EPA pollution regulations and fuel shortage : the impact on mass transit : hearings before the Subcommittee on Urban Mass Transportation of the Committee on Banking and Currency, House of Representatives, Ninety-third Congress, first session, July 26, 30, and 31, 1973. 1973
Estimation of the public health risk from exposure to gasoline vapor via the gasoline marketing system : a staff paper submitted for review to the Science Advisory Board / 1984
Federal Energy Administration press conference : Thursday, January 23, 1975. 1975
Fuel oil and kerosene sales. 1989
Impact of energy prices : hearing before the Subcommittee on Fossil and Synthetic Fuels of the Committee on Energy and Commerce, House of Representatives, Ninety-ninth Congress, second session, March 6, 1986. 1986
Impact of imported petroleum products on the domestic petroleum industry : hearing before the Subcommittee on Energy Regulation and Conservation of the Committee on Energy and Natural Resources, United States Senate, Ninety-ninth Congress, first session ... June 4, 1985. 1985
Import supplement to oil availability by sulfur levels 1972
Industrial process profiles for environmental use : chapter 2, oil and gas production industry / 1977
Limiting oil imports : an economic history and analysis 1978
Long emergency : surviving the end of oil, climate change , and other converging catastrophes of the twenty-first century / 2006
Making sense of America's oil needs : a sustainable, state-based response to dwindling oil supplies / 2003
National petroleum news Market facts. 1992
National petroleum supply and demand, 1974, post-embargo 1974
Offshore petroleum studies. Nomograph for estimating hydrocarbon lease bonus bids in the Gulf of Mexico, 1973
Oil availability by sulfur levels / 1971
Overview survey of status of refineries in the U.S. with RACT requirements / 1983
Petroleum conservation in the United States: an economic analysis, 1971
Petroleum products movement by water: 1974. 1976
Petroleum supply monthly. 1982
Proceedings - Division of Refining, American Petroleum Institute. 1966
Refining expertise : how responsible engineers subvert environmental justice challenges / 2013
State responses to the energy crisis. 1974
Strategic energy policy : challenges for the 21st century : report of an independent task force cosponsored by the James A. Baker III Institute for Public Policy of Rice University and the Council on Foreign Relations / 2001
The frackers : the outrageous inside story of the new billionaire wildcatters / 2013
The impact of costs associated with new environmental standards upon the petroleum refining industry / 1971
The impact of lead additive regulations on the petroleum refining industry / 1976
The U.S. petroleum industry : past as prologue, 1970-1992. 1993
Total crude oil movement: 1974. 1976
Total petroleum movement: 1974. 1976
Total petroleum products movement: 1974. 1976
U.S. petroleum industry : past as prologue, 1970-1992. 1993
United States petroleum through 1980. 1968
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