Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 120
Showing: Items 1 - 50

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Select Item Title Year Published
1995 Rocky Mountain Symposium on Environmental Issues in Oil and Gas Operations : practical solutions for the '90's : proceedings : Golden, Colorado, USA, October 16-18, 1995 / 1995
A computerized pelagic seabird atlas for Alaska / 2000
Air quality modeling technical support document for regulatory impact analysis of the standards of performance for new, reconstructed, and modified sources and emissions guidelines for existing sources : oil and natural gas sector climate review 2023
Alberta Department of Energy : policy review Jacobs Consultancy : EU pathway study (2012). 2012
Alpine satellite development plan, draft environmental impact statement / 2004
Alpine satellite development plan, final environmental impact statement / 2004
An Investigation of the best systems of emission reduction for sulfur compounds from crude oil and natural gas field processing plants : standards support and environmental impact statement. 1977
API environmental guidance document : onshore solid waste management in exploration and production operations. 1989
Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, Alaska, coastal plain resource assessment. in accordance with section 1002 of the Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act, and the National Environmental Policy Act / Report and recommendation to the Congress of the United States and final legislative environmental impact statement : 1987
Arctic oil and environmental considerations / 1970
Arctic oil and gas exploration and production wastes 1987
Assessment of atmospheric emissions from petroleum refining / 1981
At a Glance : EPA Did Not Use Allegedly Flawed Studies to Estimate Methane Emissions or Set New Source Performance Standards for Oil and Natural Gas Production. 2018
Atmospheric emissions from the petroleum refining industry / 1973
Beaufort Sea planning area, oil and gas lease sale 144, draft environmental impact statement / 1995
Bulk gasoline terminals : background information for promulgated standards. 1983
Bulk gasoline terminals : background information for proposed standards / 1980
Caribou mitigation monitoring for the Meltwater Project : ... annual report / 2001
Causes of wetland loss in the coastal Central Gulf of Mexico / 1988
Compendium of greenhouse gas emissions estimation methodologies for the oil and gas industry : pilot test version. 2001
Compliance and Emission Data Summary for Petroleum Refineries in Region VIII. 1977
Cumulative environmental effects of oil and gas activities on Alaska's North Slope / 2003
Cumulative environmental effects of oil and gas activities on Alaska's North Slope / 2003
Demonstration of reduced hydrocarbon emissions from gasoline loading terminals / 1975
Draft Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, Alaska, coastal plain resource assessment. in accordance with Section 1002 of the Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act, and the National Environmental Policy Act / Report and recommendation to the Congress of the United States and legislative environmental impact statement : 1986
Ecological and physiological/toxicological effects of petroleum on aquatic birds. A summary of research activities FY76 through FY78 / 1979
Economic impact of EPA's regulations on the petroleum refining industry / 1976
Effects of habitat disturbance on arctic wildlife : a review and analysis : final report / 1990
Emission test report : method development and testing for FCCU regenerators : Arco Petroleum Products Company, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania / 1984
Environment of oil 1993
Environmental and health impact of the Kuwaiti oil fires proceedings of an International Symposium held at the University of Birmingham, 17th October 1991 / 1992
Environmental aspects of the petroleum industry : an overview. 1978
Environmental expenditures of the United States petroleum industry 1967-1976 : based on a survey conducted by the Environmental Affairs Dept. 1977
Environmental expenditures of the United States petroleum industry, 1968-1977 : based on a survey conducted by the Environmental Affairs Dept. 1978
Environmental impact of the car : a Greenpeace report. 1992
Environmental information for outer continental shelf oil and gas decisions in Alaska 1994
Environmental policy analysis : public policy intervention in inter-industry flows of goods and services to reduce pollution / 1971
Environmental problems relating to oil and gas production : an initial review. 1974
Environmental protection for onshore oil and gas production operations and leases. 2009
Environmental review of onshore Canadian oil and gas drilling and production activities / 1983
Environmental studies in Port Valdez, Alaska, 1987 : final report / 1988
Environmental studies in Port Valdez, Alaska, 1990 : final report / 1990
EPA Did Not Use Allegedly Flawed Studies to Estimate Methane Emissions or Set New Source Performance Standards for Oil and Natural Gas Production / 2018
EPA needs to improve tracking of National Petroleum Refinery Compliance Program progress and impacts. 2004
Equipment leaks of VOC in petroleum refining industry : background information for promulgated standards / 1983
Evaluation of brine disposal from the Bryan Mound site of the Strategic Petroleum Reserve Program : final report of predisposal studies / 1980
Exxon and the environment. 1975
Final environmental statement : proposed increase in oil and gas leasing on the Outer Continental Shelf. 1975
Fisheries oceanography, a comprehensive formulation of technical objectives for offshore application in the Arctic / 1990
Fracking : The operations and environmental consequences of hydraulic fracturing / 2013
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