Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 14
Showing: Items 1 - 14

Select Item Title Year Published
A field study of sediment quality near a refinery outfall / 1993
Activated carbon treatment of industrial wastewaters : selected technical papers / 1979
Activated carbon treatment of industrial wastewaters : selected technical papers / 1979
Background for NEPA reviewers : crude oil and natural gas exploration, development, and production / 1991
Conference proceedings, third International Conference on Waste Management in the Chemical and Petrochemical Industries : new technologies and practices for waste minimization / 1993
Crude oil and natural gas exploration, development, and production wastes : exemption from RCRA subtitle C regulation / 1995
Disposal of oil wastes by microbial assimilation 1974
Evaluation of brine disposal from the Bryan Mound site of the Strategic Petroleum Reserve Program : final report of twelve-month postdisposal studies / 1981
Keepin' it all clean! : in the oil patch / 1994
Pollution prevention opportunities in oil and gas production, drilling, and exploration 1993
Report to Congress : wastes from the extraction and beneficiation of metallic ores, phosphate rock, asbestos, overburden from uranium mining, and oil shale. 1985
Report to Congress : wastes from the extraction and beneficiation of metallic ores, phosphate rock, asbestos, overburden from uranium mining, and oil shale. Summary of public comments / 1986
Waste minimization at Louisiana oil and gas exploration and production facilities (LOGEP). 1980
West Hackberry brine disposal project pre-discharge characterization : final report / 1982

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