Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Pesticides Toxicology)

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Select Item Title Year Published
1,3-dichloropropene, 1,2-dichloropropane and mixtures health and safety guide / 1992
10 tips to protect children from pesticide and lead poisonings = 10 medidas para proteger a sus ninos de los pesticidas y del envenenamiento debido al plomo. 2003
2,4,5-T : position document 2/3. 1979
2,4,5-T: Position Document 1. 1979
2,4,5-Trichlorophenol and Its Salts: Decision Document. 1987
2,4,5-Trichlorophenol and its Sodium and Potassium Salts: Position Document 1. 1979
2,4,5-Trichlorophenoxyacetic Acid/Silvex: Position Document 4. 1979
A pilot study of children's total exposure to persistent pesticides and other persistent organic pollutants (CTEPP) / 2004
Absence of Conversion of o,p'-DDT to p,p'-DDT in the Rat. 1972
Acephate, aldicarb, carbophenothion, DEF, EPN, ethoprop, methyl parathion, and phorate: their acute and chronic toxicity, bioconcentration potential, and persistence as related to marine environments / 1981
Acrolein hazards to fish, wildlife, and invertebrates : a synoptic review / 1994
Acute toxicity in theory and practice : with special reference to the toxicology of pesticides / 1980
Acute toxicity of certain pesticides to Acartia tonsa dana / 1976
Addendum to the 2002 lindane reregistration eligibility decision (RED) 1985
Additional Note Regarding Measurement of the Exposure of Workers to Pesticides. 1963
Adenofibrosis in the Rat Liver, With Persistence of Polychlorinated Biphenyls in Adipose Tissue. 1978
After silent spring the unsolved problems of pesticide use in the United States / 1993
Agricultural chemicals and pesticides : a subfile of the NIOSH registry of toxic effects of chemical substances / 1977
Agricultural insecticide runoff effects on estuarine organisms : correlating laboratory and field toxicity testing with ecotoxicological biomonitoring / 1988
Agricultural pesticide use in estuarine drainage areas : a preliminary summary for selected pesticides / 1989
Agromedical approach to pesticide management some health and environmental considerations / 1981
Air concentrations and inhalation exposure to pesticides in the agricultural health pilot study : project summary / 1997
Alachlor : position document. 1987
Alachlor : special review technical support document. {Microfiche} / 1986
Alachlor Position Document 2/3. 1986
Alachlor, position document 1. 1984
Aldicarb health and safety guide. 1991
Aldicarb. 1991
Aldrin and dieldrin health and safety guide. 1989
Aldrin and dieldrin. 1989
Amitraz (BAAM): Position Document 1. 1977
Amitraz (BAAM): Position Document 3. 1979
Amitraz (BAAM): Position Document 4. 1979
Amitrole: Position Document 1. 1984
An Environmental and economic study of the consequences of pesticide use in Central American Cotton production : final report / 1977
Analysis of EPA pesticide monitoring networks / 1979
Analysis of fish tissue for kepone, mirex, atrazine, linuron and alachlor / 1977
Analysis of pesticide residues in human and environmental samples : for use by Community Studies projects and Pesticide Monitoring Laboratories pesticides program / 1971
Analysis of Risk from Exposure to Aldicarb Using Immune Response of Nonuniform Populations of Mice. 1990
Another look : National survey of pesticides in drinking water wells : phase II report. 1992
Appendix E. Analysis of chronic toxicity data and acute chronic ratios (ACRs) in support of deriving chronic HC5s : acetylcholinesterase inhibitors / 2011
April 13-14, 2011 EPA human studies review board meeting report. 2011
Aquatic life water quality criteria for selected pesticides / 2012
Archives of environmental contamination and toxicology. 1973
Aspects of pesticidal use of Endrin on man and the environment / 1973
Aspects of pesticidal use of Toxaphene and Strobane on man and the environment / 1974
Aspon: Pesticide Registration Standards. O,O,O,O-Tetrapropyl Dithiopyrophosphate. 1980
Assessment of Reproductive Risks (Journal Version). 1985
Assessment of the carcinogenicity of dicofol (Kelthane{TM}), DDT, DDE, and DDD (TDE) {microform} / 1986
Assessment of the health risks of seven pesticides used for termite control 1982
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