Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Pesticides Research)

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Select Item Title Year Published
5th European Pesticide Residues Workshop Pesticides in Food and Drink : book of abstracts : EPRW 2004 : June 13-16, 2004 Stockholm, Sweden. 2004
A study of federally financed research on pests, pesticides and pest control. 1968
Alternatives to methyl bromide assessment of research needs and priorities : proceedings from the USDA Workshop on Alternatives to Methyl Bromide. 1993
Analysis of technical grade pesticides for TCDD at parts-per-billion level 1978
Assessment of health effects of pesticide exposure in young children : proceedings of a workshop held in El Paso, Texas in December 1997 / 2000
Colony Collapse Disorder Progress Report. CCD Steering Committee June 2009. 2009
Data requirements for registration of biopesticides in OECD Member countries : survey results. 1996
Determination of incinerator operating conditions necessary for safe disposal of pesticides / 1975
Earthworms as ecotoxicological test-organisms 1992
Ecological effects test guidelines : OPPTS 850.1035 : mysid acute toxicity test. 1996
Ecological effects test guidelines : OPPTS 850.4250 : vegetative vigor, tier II. 1996
Effects of weathering and photodecomposition on pesticides : bibliography number 71-12 / 1971
EPA Symposium - Alternative Chemicals Program with an Overview of Pesticide Research and Development, held at Denver, Colorado on 14-16 August 1974 / 1974
Evaluation of the National Pesticide Monitoring Program (NPMP). 1975
Feasibility of applying field ionization mass spectroscopy to pesticide research / 1976
Field bioassays for side-effects of pesticides : Final report. 1994
Health Effects Research Laboratory Biotechnology Research Program: An Overview Summary. 1988
Herbicides in water : bibliography number 72-14 / 1972
Human pesticide experiments 2005
Incentives for research and development in pest control / 1976
Initial scientific and minieconomic review aldicarb / 1975
January 17, 2013 EPA human studies review board meeting report. 2013
Manual of biological testing methods for pesticides and devices / 1976
Manual of chemical methods for pesticides and devices / 1982
Manual of chemical methods for pesticides and devices / 1992
Manual of chemical methods for pesticides and devices / 1976
Methodology for designing cost-effective monitoring and compliance strategies for pesticide use / 1978
October 20-21, 2009 EPA human studies review board meeting report. 2009
OPPTS 850.4200 : seed germination/root elongation toxicity test. 1996
PCB's (all aspects) : bibliography number 72-56 / 1972
People's pesticide exposures : poisons we are exposed to every day without knowing it / 2004
Pesticide data submitters list by chemicals. Part 1 & 2 / 1990
Pesticide disposal : bibliography number 72-27 / 1972
Pesticide Information Network. 1992
Pesticide levels in the general population of foreign countries : bibliography number 72-44 / 1972
Pesticides and wildlife : bibliography number 69-06 / 1969
Pesticides in air : bibliography number 70-07 / 1970
Pesticides research and monitoring annual report / 1987
Pesticides research and monitoring annual report 1988-1989 1990
Pesticides research and monitoring annual reports 1989-1990 and 1990-1991 1992
Pesticides study series. 1972
Photochemical Fate of Agrochemicals in Natural Waters. 1991
Preliminary presentation of incentives for discussion and evaluation 1975
Product performance test guidelines : OPPTS 810.2100, products for use on hard surfaces--basic efficacy data requirements / 1998
Removal of pesticides from water : bibliography number 72-15 / 1972
Residue chemistry test guidelines : OPPTS 860.1100 : chemical identity. 1996
Residue chemistry test guidelines : OPPTS 860.1200 : directions for use. 1996
Residue chemistry test guidelines : OPPTS 860.1340 : residue analytical method. 1996
Residue chemistry test guidelines : OPPTS 860.1400 : water, fish, and irrigated crops. 1996
Residue chemistry test guidelines : OPPTS 860.1460 : food handling. 1996
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