Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Permeability)

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Select Item Title Year Published
'Demag' Process. A Process for Removal of Toxic Metal Ions from Water or Wastewater. 1972
3DFEMWATER/3DLEWASTE : numerical codes for delineating wellhead protection areas in agricultural regions based on the assimilative capacity criterion / 1992
A field permeability test for compacted clay liners / 1984
A new approach and methodologies for characterizing the hydrogeologic properties of aquifers / 1990
A new approach and methodologies for characterizing the hydrogeologic properties of aquifers : project summary / 1990
A review and assessment of factors affecting hydraulic conductivity values determined from slug tests / 1994
A solution of the differential equation of longitudinal dispersion in porous media : fluid movement in earth materials / 1961
A technical assistance panels program report : a review of methods for determining the permeability characteristics of Colorado soils exposed to hazardous waste / 1981
Absorption and drug development : solubility, permeability, and charge state / 2012
Acker Lake Landslide, Monroe County, Mississippi. 1973
Active Soil Depressurization (ASD) Demonstration in a Large Building. 1996
An approach to the fracture hydrology at Stripa : preliminary results / 1979
An evaluation of tailings ponds sealants / 1974
Analyses and field tests of the hydraulic performance of cement grout-borehole seals 1991
Analytical and numerical models for estimating the effect of exhaust ventilation on radon entry in houses with basements or crawl spaces / 1986
Annual and seasonal precipitation probabilities / 1977
Application of the Green and Corey method for computing hydraulic conductivity in hydrologic modeling / 1973
Artesian System in Georgia: Stratigraphy and Hydrology of the Ocala. 1971
Assessment of Soil-Gas Measurement Technologies. 1991
Assessment of techniques for 'In Situ' repair of flexible membrane liners / 1987
Background document for the liquid release test : single laboratory evaluation and 1988 collaborative study / 1991
Batch-type adsorption procedures for estimating soil attenuation of chemicals : draft technical resource document for public comment / 1987
Batch-type adsorption procedures for estimating soil attenuation of chemicals : draft technical resource document for public comment. 1987
Bay Area Solid Waste Management Implementation Project. Volume III. Technical Report on Levee Stabilization and Composting. 1973
Best management practices implementation Rochester, New York / 1981
Blood-Brain Barrier Permeation in the Rat during Exposure to Low-Power 1.7-GHz Microwave Radiation. 1985
Calculation of Permeability of Cretaceous Sandstones from Pumping and Static Level Data in Selected Areas of Western South Dakota. 1973
Carbonate bonding of taconite tailings / 1974
Carriers and channels in biological systems 1975
Case Study of the Hydrogeologic Conditions in the Outcrop Area of an Aquifer. 1972
Causes of Poor Sealant Performance in Soil-Gas-Resistant Foundations. 1994
Characterization of Water Movement into and Through Soils During and Immediately After Rainstorms. 1972
Colchicine Inhibits Elevations in Both Alveolar-Capillary Membrane Permeability and Lavage Surfactant After Exposure of the Rat to Phosgene. 1992
Comparing Simulated and Experimental Hysteretic Two-Phase Transient Fluid Flow Phenomena. 1991
Comparison of Baghouse Test Results with the GCA/EPA Design Model. 1984
Compatibility of Subsurface Reservoirs with Injected Liquid Wastes. 1972
Computerized Procedure to Determine Aquifer Characteristics. 1972
Considerations in ground-water remediation at Superfund sites and RCRA facilities -- update. 1992
Constraints and Categories of Vadose Zone Monitoring Devices. 1984
Construction quality assurance for hazardous waste land disposal facilities : public comment draft. 1985
Construction quality assurance for hazardous waste land disposal facilities. 1986
Correlation of Florida Soil-Gas Permeabilities with Grain Size, Moisture, and Porosity. 1991
Coupled transport systems for control of heavy metal pollutants / 1979
Covers for uncontrolled hazardous waste sites / 1985
Crazed Resin Filtration of Combined Sewer Overflows. 1968
Delayed Yield and Unsaturated Flow Above a Falling Water Table. 1972
Delineation of Ground-Water Flow Systems in Nevada. 1968
Dense nonaqueous phase liquids / 1991
Dermal exposure assessment : principles and applications : interim report. 1992
Dermal exposure assessment : principles and applications. 1992
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