Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 9
Showing: Items 1 - 9
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Perfumes)

Select Item Title Year Published
Alpha-Methylstyrene Dimers : information review / 1983
C5 - C7 Alkenes : working draft / 1978
Chemical Market Input/Output Analysis of Selected Chemical Substances to Assess Sources of Environmental Contamination: Task II. Biphenyl and Diphenyl Oxide. 1976
Dossier on Alpha-chlorotoluene 1977
Dossier on benzaldehyde 1978
Ethylene, 1,2-dichloro : preliminary dossier / 1977
Perfumes, cosmetics, and soaps 1974
Phenols and phenolic compounds : carcinogenicity and structure activity relationships : other biological properties : metabolism : environmental significance / 1982
TSCA Section 4 human exposure assessment : methyl ethyl ketone : final report / 1981

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