Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 17
Showing: Items 1 - 17
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Performance verification)

Select Item Title Year Published
Alternative Technology for Sealed Radioactive Source Nuclear Gauges, Verification Statement. 2012
Environmental technology verification (ETV) program case studies : demonstrating program outcomes / 2006
Environmental Technology Verification (ETV) Report: Constellation Technology Corporation, CT-1128 Portable Gas Chromatograph-Mass Spectrometer. 2006
Environmental Technology Verification (ETV) Testing of a Ballast Exchange Assurance Meter: Dakota Technologies, Inc., BEAM 100. 2007
Environmental Technology Verification (ETV) Testing of a Multi-Parameter Water Quality Sensor: Sensicore, Inc. WaterPOINT 870. 2007
Environmental Technology Verification (ETV) Testing of Enzymatic Test Kits for Warfare Agents and Pesticides in Drinking Water: Abraxis LLC; Aqua Survey, Inc.; Protein Biosensor; and Severn Trent Services. 2006
Environmental Technology Verification (ETV) Testing of Seven Technologies Detecting Toxicity in Drinking Water: Strategic Diagnostics, Inc.; Abraxis; Aqua Survey, Inc.; CheckLight Ltd.; Environmental Bio-Detection Products Inc.; and Lab Bell Inc. 2006
Environmental Technology Verification Program Advanced Monitoring Systems Center Quality Assurance Project Plan for Verification of Black Carbon Monitors Version: 1.0. 2013
Environmental Technology Verification Report: Abraxis Ecologenia (Trade Name) 17 Beta-Estradiol (E2) Microplate Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA) Test Kits. 2009
Environmental Technology Verification Report: Aisin Seiki 6.0 kW Natural Gas-Fired Engine Cogeneration Unit. 2005
Environmental Technology Verification Report: Evaluation of the XP-SWMM Stormwater Wastewater Management Model, Version 8.2, 2000, from XP Software, Inc. 2005
Environmental Technology Verification Report: Stormwater Source Area Treatment Device. The Stormwater Management StormFilter (Trade Name) Using Perlite Filter Media. 2005
Innovative technology verification report : Field measurement technologies for total petroleum hydrocarbons in soil, Dexsil(R) Corporation PetroFLAG System / 2001
Innovative technology verification report : field measurement technologies for total petroleum hydrocarbons in soil. Environmental Systems Corporation Synchronous Scanning Luminoscope / 2001
Innovative technology verification report : field measurement technologies for total petroleum hydrocarbons in soil. Horiba Instruments Incorporated, OCMA-350 oil content analyzer / 2001
Innovative technology verification report : field measurement technologies for total petroleum hydrocarbons in soil. Strategic Diagnostics Inc. EnSys Petro Test System / 2001
Innovative technology verification report : field measurements technologies for total petroleum hydrocarbons in soil, siteLAB(R) Corporation, site LAB(R) analytical test kit UVF-3100A / 2001

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