Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Perchlorates)

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Select Item Title Year Published
Biological treatment and downstream processing of perchlorate-contaminated water / 2004
Bioreactor systems for treating perchlorate-contaminated water: bench- and pilot-scale investigations / 2004
Comments on EPA external review draft 'perchlorate environmental contamination: toxicological review and risk characterization' 0
Compilation of public comments received by the U.S. EPA on "perchlorate environmental contamination: toxicological review and risk characterization" (2002 External Review Draft). 0
Determination of Perchlorate at Trace Levels in Drinking Water by Ion-Pair Extraction with Electrospray Ionization Mass Spectrometry 2000
Determination of perchlorate in drinking water by ion chromatography with suppressed conductivity and electrospray ionization mass spectrometry 2005
Determination of perchlorate in drinking water by liquid chromatography electrospray ionization mass spectrometry 2005
Development of an analytical test method for perchlorate in water. 2009
Disposition of comments and recommendations for revisions to ''perchlorate environmental contamination: toxicological review and risk characterization External Review Draft (January 16, 2002)." 2003
Edible oil barriers for treatment of perchlorate contaminated groundwater 2005
Engineering report for perchlorate recharge mitigation feasibility study / 2007
Environmental cleanup : transfer of contaminated federal property and recovery of cleanup costs / 2005
Fact sheet : perchlorate supplemental request for comments. 2009
Final Comment Response Document for the Regulatory Determination for Perchlorate (Categorized Public Comments). 2011
Health implications of perchlorate ingestion / 2005
Inhibition of the sodium-iodide symporter by perchlorate : an evaluation of life stage sensitivity using physiologically based pharmacokinetic (PBPK) modeling. 2009
Interim drinking water health advisory for perchlorate / 2008
Ion chromatographic determination of perchlorate : analysis of fertilizers and related materials / 2001
Issues in Managing the Risks Associated with Perchlorate in Drinking Water 1999
Method 314.0 : determination of perchlorate in drinking water using ion chromatography / 1999
Method 314.0: Determination of Perchlorate in Drinking Water Using Ion Chromatrography. Revision 1.0. 1999
Method 314.1: Determination of Perchlorate in Drinking Water Using Inline Column Concentration/Matrix Elimination Ion Chromatography with Suppressed Conductivity Detection (Revision 1.0, May 2005). 2005
Method 314.2: Determination of Perchlorate in Drinking Water Using Two-Dimensional Ion Chromatography with Suppressed Conductivity Detection. Version 1.0. 2008
Monitored natural attenuation of inorganic contaminants in ground water / 2007
National assessment of perchlorate contamination occurrence 2002
Oversight of recent EPA decisions : hearing before the Committee on Environment and Public Works, United States Senate, One Hundred Tenth Congress, first session, February 6, 2007. 2010
PBPK model for perchlorate-induced inhibition of radioiodide uptake in humans 2001
Peer review on EPA's draft external review document "perchlorate environmental contamination: toxicological review and risk characterization" : reviewers' comments. 2002
Perchlorate : environmental occurrence, interactions and treatment / 2010
Perchlorate : environmental problems and solutions / 2007
Perchlorate : overview of issues, status, and remedial options / 2005
Perchlorate and children's health : the case for a strong cleanup standard for rocket fuel in drinking water / 2005
Perchlorate ecotoxicology / 2006
Perchlorate environmental contamination : toxicological review and risk characterization based on emerging information : external review draft / 1998
Perchlorate environmental contamination : toxicological review and risk characterization January 2002 (NCEA-1-0503) Reference documents. External Review, released January 2002 / 2002
Perchlorate environmental contamination : toxicological review and risk characterization. 2002
Perchlorate in ground water / 1993
Perchlorate in the environment / 2000
Perchlorate in the southwestern United States : report to the Congress / 2005
Perchlorate occurrence mapping 2005
Perchlorates: their properties, manufacture, and uses. 1960
Potential species for phytoremediation of perchlorate / 1999
QA/QC audit report for study of perchlorate pharmacokinetics and inhibition of radioactive iodine uptake (RAIU) by thyroid in humans 2001
References associated with disposition of comments on the U.S. EPA's " Perchlorate environmental contamination : toxicological review and risk characterization (2002 External Review Draft) and recommendations for revisions document / 2003
Report on the peer review of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agemcy's draft external review document, perchlorate environmental contamination : toxicological review and risk characterization / 2002
SAB advice on approaches to derive a maximum contaminant level goal for perchlorate / 2013
Sorption of Cd, Ni and Zn by Kaolinite and Montmorillonite Suspensions (Journal Version). 1988
State-of-science on perchlorate treatment technologies and regulations / 2011
Study on the Accumulation of Perchlorate in Young Head Lettuce. Final Report. 2004
Survey of fertilizers and related materials for perchlorate (CIO4) : final report / 2001
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