Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 42
Showing: Items 1 - 42
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Pays en développement)

Select Item Title Year Published
Beyond Malthus : sixteen dimensions of the population problem / 1998
Biodiesel : growing a new energy economy / 2005
Biofuels / 2009
Clearing the air : a global agenda / 1990
Climate of hope : new strategies for stabilizing the world's atmosphere / 1996
Directory of non-governmental environment and development organisations in OECD member countries / 1992
Domestic wastewater management. 1988
Economic analysis of environmental impacts / 1994
Energy revolution : policies for a sustainable future / 2003
Environment, North and South : an economic interpretation / 1978
Environmental pollution control in relation to development : report of a WHO Expert Committee. 1985
Financing change : the financial community, eco-efficiency, and sustainable development / 1996
Getting the signals right : tax reform to protect the environment and the economy / 1997
Global warming : the benefits of emission abatement / 1992
Imperiled waters, impoverished future : the decline of freshwater ecosystems / 1996
Infecting ourselves : how environmental and social disruptions trigger disease / 1996
Investing in the future : harnessing private capital flows for environmentally sustainable development / 1998
Our common journey : a transition toward sustainability / 2000
Paper cuts : recovering the paper landscape / 1999
Paying the piper : subsidies, politics, and the environment / 1996
Planning the global family / 1987
Promoting foreign direct investment in developing countries. 1993
Regional integration and development / 2003
Shrinking fields : cropland loss in a world of eight billion / 1996
Small arms, big impact : the next challenge of disarmament / 1997
Still waiting for the jubilee : pragmatic solutions for the Third World debt crisis / 2001
Stormy weather : 101 solutions to global climate change / 2001
The agricultural link : how environmental deterioration could disrupt economic progress / 1997
The anatomy of resource wars / 2002
The economics of climate change : the Stern review / 2007
The economics of sustainable development / 1995
The hour of departure : forces that create refugees and migrants / 1995
The new consumers : the influence of affluence on the environment / 2004
The world is flat : a brief history of the twenty-first century / 2005
Toward improved accounting for the environment / 1993
Toward sustainable management of water resources / 1995
Traveling light : new paths for international tourism / 2001
Underfed and overfed : the global epidemic of malnutrition / 2000
Urban regions : ecology and planning beyond the city / 2008
Water supply and sanitation project preparation handbook. 1983
Where is the wealth of nations? : measuring capital for the 21st century. 2006
World development report. 1978

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