Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 22
Showing: Items 1 - 22
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Pavements Asphalt)

Select Item Title Year Published
2020 National Emissions Inventory technical support document : solvents – consumer and commercial : asphalt paving 2023
A study of the use of recycled paving material / 1993
A study of the use of recycled paving material : report to Congress : as specified in the Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act of 1991, Section 1038(b) / 1993
Asphalt handbook. 1965
Asphalt hot-mix emission study / 1975
Asphalt paving manual / 1978
Chemical, polymer, and fiber additives for low maintenance highways 1979
Correlation of rutting and creep tests on asphalt mixes 1974
Economic analysis of effluent guidelines : paving and roofing materials (tars and asphalt). 1975
Economic analysis of proposed effluent guidelines : paving and roofing materials (tars and asphalt). 1974
Fatigue properties of rubber modified pavements 1995
Ground rubber use in asphalt paving mixtures a design and performance evaluation / 1994
Investigation of porous pavements for urban runoff control / 1972
Long term monitoring of moisture under pavements / 2010
Low-temperature properties of bituminous materials and compacted bituminous paving mixtures : a symposium presented at the seventy-ninth annual meeting, American Society for Testing and Materials, Chicago, Ill., 27 June-2 July 1976. 1977
Porous asphalt pavements for stormwater management : design, construction, and maintenance guide / 2008
Porous pavement / 1980
Porous pavement : phase I, Design and operational criteria / 1980
Proceedings of the Asphalt Rubber 2003 Conference : Brasilia, Brazil, December 2003 / 2003
Proceedings of the Asphalt Rubber 2006 Conference : Palm Springs, USA, October 2006 / 2006
RACT for the use of cutback asphalts in road construction and maintenance : Enforcement implications and equipment changes / 1980
Use of domestic waste glass for urban paving / 1973

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