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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Patuxent River)

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Select Item Title Year Published
A study of the physical hydrography of the Patuxent River and its estuary / 1969
Ambient toxicity testing in Chesapeake Bay : year 6 report / 1998
Annotated bibliography of field studies conducted on the Patuxent Wildlife Research Center, 1940-1987 1988
Application of auto-qual modelling system to the Patuxent River basin / 1973
Bathymetric investigation of the Patuxent River system 1980
Biological survey of the upper and middle Patuxent River and some of its tributaries : from the Maryland Route 97 Bridge near Roxbury Mills to the Maryland Route 4 Bridge near Wayson's Corner : Chesapeake Bay drainage basin. / 1968
Chesapeake Bay Citizen Monitoring Program Report, July 1985-October 1988. 1989
Chesapeake Bay Citizen Monitoring Program Report. Appendix 2. Data Listing by Site. July 1985-October 1988. 1989
Chesapeake Bay nutrient input study / 1972
Chesapeake Bay watershed model application and calculation of nutrient and sediment loadings : Appendix A: Phase IV Chesapeake Bay model hydrology calibration results / 1998
Chesapeake Bay watershed model application and calculation of nutrient and sediment loadings : appendix B : phase IV Chesapeake Bay watershed model water quality results / 1998
Chlordane residue levels and geographic distribution of chlordane in fish from the non-tidal portion of the Patuxent River 1990
Compilation of aquatic living resources data for the fluvial beaches of the Patuxent drainage system 1993
Copper cycling in the Patuxent River estuary and condenser micro-fouling studies. 1982
Data Report : Patuxent River cross sections and mass travel velocities. 1968
Ecosystem Models of the Chesapeake Bay Relating Nutrient Loadings, Environmental Conditions, and Living Resources. Final Report. (May 1, 1998-April 30, 1999). 2000
Ecosystem Models of the Patuxent River Estuary Relating Nutrient Loading to Production of Selected Fish Populations. Final Report, Year 1. 1994
Effects of sewage pollution on fishes in Upper Patuxent River 1967
Effects of suspended solids on selected estuarine plankton 1976
Effects of Thermal Loading and Water Quality on Estuarine Primary Production. 1970
Effects of thermal pollution on productivity and stability of estuarine communities 1971
Effects of Thermal Pollution on Productivity and Stability of Estuarine Communities. 1971
Environmental degradation in the Patuxent River estuary, Maryland 1972
Estimation of nutrient and suspended-sediment loads in the Patuxent River Basin, Maryland, water years 1986-90 / 1997
Evaluation of waste load allocations : Patuxent River basin / 1974
Final Environmental Impact Statement: Patuxent Wastewater Treatment Facilities, Anne Arundel County, Maryland. 1983
Final technical report for the period August 1968 to August 1970 to Office of Water Resources Research : project title - the effects of thermal loading and water quality on estuarine primary production / 1970
Flood plain mapping of Patuxent River watershed 1974
Ground-water flow, geochemistry, and effects of agricultural practices on nitrogen transport at study sites in the Piedmont and Coastal Plain physiographic provinces, Patuxent River Basin, Maryland 1997
Ground-water flow, geochemistry, and effects of agricultural practices on nitrogen transport at study sites in the Piedmont and Coastal Plain physiographic provinces, Patuxent River Basin, Maryland 1995
Historical review of water quality and climatic data from Chesapeake Bay with emphasis on effect of enrichment 1982
Intensive watershed study the Patuxent River basin / 1983
Microbial Degradation of Toluene under Sulfate-Reducing Conditions and the Influence of Iron on the Process. 1992
Non-point source studies on Chesapeake Bay. VIII. Preliminary tests of the application of Rhode River statistical models to Patuxent River subwatersheds / 1977
Nutrient and sediment concentrations, trends, and loads from five subwatersheds in the Patuxent River basin, Maryland, 1986-96 / 1999
Patuxent Estuary water quality survey : 1983 data summary : technical report number 3 / 1984
Patuxent River : physical, chemical and bacteriological water quality, January 1961-February 1963 / 1967
Patuxent River : physical, chemical and bacteriological water quality, summer surveys 1964-1965-1966 / 1900
Patuxent River Basin : environmental assessment of stream conditions / 1998
Patuxent River Basin water quality management program : draft / 1977
Patuxent River Cross Sections and Mass Travel Velocities. 1968
Patuxent River Policy Plan a land management strategy. 1984
Patuxent River program : traveltime, dispersion and removal rates in the freshwater portion and the upper tidal river of the Patuxent River system / 1980
Patuxent River study : a field-orientated program to assess the impact of cultural development on the Patuxent River ecosystem 1978
Patuxent River water quality management technical evaluation. 1968
Patuxent River Water Quality Management Technical Evaluation. 1969
Patuxent River water quality management technical evaluation. 1969
Patuxent River, Maryland's asset, Maryland's responsibility : report on a re-examination of the water and related land resource problems of the Patuxent River Basin / 1968
Patuxent River. Water Quality Management Technical Evaluation. 1969
Proceedings of a symposium on direct tracer measurement of the reaeration capacity of streams and estuaries, Atlanta, Georgia, July 7-8, 1970 / 1972
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