Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Pathophysiology)

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Select Item Title Year Published
Advances in DNA damage and repair : oxygen radical effects, cellular protection, and biological consequences / 1999
Aluminium in biology and medicine. 1992
Arachidonic acid metabolism in the nervous system : physiological and pathological significance / 1989
Asthma : causes and mechanisms of an epidemic inflammatory disease / 1999
Biopathology of the liver an ultrastructural approach / 1988
Bone circulation and vascularization in normal and pathological conditions / 1993
Casarett and Doull's toxicology : the basic science of poisons / 2013
Cell cycle regulators in cancer 1997
Cells and cytokines in lung inflammation 1994
Cellular and Biochemical Changes in the Lower Airways of Subjects Exposed to Ozone. 1988
Cellular microbiology : bacteria-host interactions in health and disease / 1999
Chemical Interactions among Chlorohydrocarbon Mixtures Found in Wastewater Effluents. 1988
Concepts in inhalation toxicology 1989
Concepts in inhalation toxicology 1995
Concepts in inhalation toxicology / 2019
Cytochrome oxidase : structure, function, and physiopathology / 1988
Cytokines and adhesion molecules in lung inflammation 1996
Effect of the Removal of the Adrenal Glands on the Copper, Zinc, and Iron Content in the Animal Brain (Vliyanie Udaleniya Nadpochechnykh Zhelez na Soderzhanie Medi, Tsinka i Zheleza v Golovnom Mozgu Zhivotnykh). 1966
Endotoxin and the lungs 1994
Fundamentals of toxicologic pathology 1998
I. Chemical changes in the central nervous system as a result of restricted vegetable diet 1916
IGF system : molecular biology, physiology, and clinical applications / 1999
Immunobiology 5 : the immune system in health and disease 2001
Lung function and its growth / 1977
Lysophospholipids and eicosanoids in biology and pathophysiology / 2000
Markers of neuronal injury and degeneration 1993
Metal-based neurodegeneration : from molecular mechanisms to therapeutic strategies / 2006
Metals and oxidative damage in neurological disorders 1997
Molecular biology and differentiation of cancer cells (oncogenes, growth factors, receptors) 1987
Morphological Changes in Animal Viscera During Inhalation of Low Concentrations of Arsenic Trioxide. 1971
Multiple path particle dosimetry model : a model for human and rat airway particle dosimetry. 2002
Neonatal exposure to highly brominated diphenyl ethers and perfluorinated compounds : developmental dependent toxicity and interaction / 2009
Neuronal Phosphoproteins: Physiological and Clinical Implications. 1984
Neuropeptides in development and aging 1997
Neurotoxic effects of nicotine during neonatal brain development : critical period and adult susceptibility / 2003
Nunn's applied respiratory physiology. 2005
Oxidative stress and age-related neurodegeneration / 2006
Patho-Physiologic Response to Single and Multiple Air Pollutants in Humans and Animals. 1970
Pathology of emerging infections / 1997
Pathology of emerging infections 2 / 1998
Pulmonary pathophysiology--the essentials 1998
Pulmonary vascular physiology and pathophysiology 1989
Pursuit of cognitive biomarkers : longituidinal neuropsychological evaluation of pre-symptomatic Huntington's Disease / 2013
Quantitative pathological studies with arsenic compounds 1921
Reactive oxygen species in biological systems : an interdisciplinary approach / 1999
Reduction of Microsomial Phospholipids in Experimental Cardiac Discompensation. (Heart-Lung of Rat Preparation). 1971
Role of oxidative stress in chronic diseases / 2014
Role of oxidative stress in chronic diseases / 2014
So-Called Vinyl Chloride Disease (Ueber die Sogenannte Vinylchlorid-Krankheit). 1975
State of the Upper Respiratory Tracts of Workers in Titanium Production. 1967
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