Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 19
Showing: Items 1 - 19
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Pathology Molecular)

Select Item Title Year Published
Cellular and molecular neurotoxicology 1984
Clinical molecular pathology : JCP. 1995
Environmental stress and cellular response in arthropods / 2004
Free radicals in biology and medicine 1989
Human molecular biology : an introduction to the molecular basis of health and disease / 2003
Introduction to recombinant DNA 1984
Membrane toxicity : {proceedings of the ninth annual Rochester International Conference on environmental Toxicity, held in Rochester, New York, May 24-26, 1976} 1977
Molecular and cellular approaches to understanding mechanisms of toxicity proceedings of a conference held in Boston, Massachusetts on September 1-2, 1983 / 1984
Molecular basis of environmental toxicity 1980
Molecular biochemistry of human disease 1985
Molecular biology and differentiation of cancer cells (oncogenes, growth factors, receptors) 1987
Molecular mechanisms of ischemic brain damage / 1985
Molecular pathology : MP. 1997
Nature medicine. 1995
Nature medicine. 1995
Nature medicine. 1995
Oxygen radicals and tissue injury proceedings of a Brook Lodge symposium, Augusta, Michigan, U.S.A., April 27 to 29, 1987 / 1988
Research communications in molecular pathology and pharmacology. 1994
The metabolic & molecular bases of inherited disease / 2001

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