Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 25
Showing: Items 1 - 25
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Pathogenic bacteria)

Select Item Title Year Published
A report on bacterial pollution affecting shellfish harvesting in Newport River, North Carolina. 1972
Bacteria and fungi pathogenic to man and animals. 1963
Bacterial pathogenesis 1997
Characterization of selected public health issues in Galveston Bay 1992
Coliform and E. Coli bacteria counts at a major Chesapeake Bay boating-bathing site during the Independence Day holiday period / by E.E. Sanderson, Jr., Thomas C. Hopkins, Jr. 1964
Coliform and E. Coli bacteria counts at a major Chesapeake Bay boating-bathing site during the Independence Day holiday period 1965 by Thomas C. Hopkins and A. E. Sanderson. 1966
Composite sampling for detection of coliform bacteria in water supply / 1990
Consensus method for determining groundwaters under the direct influence of surface water using microscopic particulate analysis (MPA) / 1992
Detection and Disinfection of Pathogens in Storm-Generated Flows. 1991
Enteric Bacterial Degradation of Stream Detritus. 1971
Land application of municipal sewage sludge for the production of fruits and vegetables : a statement of federal policy and guidance / 1981
Mutagenicity and Chemical Analysis of Emissions for the Open Burning of Scrap Rubber Tires. 1994
Occurrence and distribution of human bacterial pathogens in Virginia surface waters 1979
Pathogenic anaerobic bacteria 1975
Preliminary risk assessment for bacteria in municipal sewage sludge applied to land. 1992
Protocol for alternate test procedures for coliform bacteria in compliance with drinking water regulations : presence/absence liquid culture methods for finished waters. 1995
Protocol for alternate test procedures for coliform bacteria in compliance with water and wastewater regulations : quantitative membrane filter methods. 1995
Protocol for approval of alternate test procedures for inorganic and organic analytes in National Pollutant Discharge Elimination system monitoring. 1996
Quantitative comparative physiological and biochemical studies on enterococci and pediococci. 1970
Studies on organisms concerned as causative factors in botulism 1924
Survival of pathogens in animal manure disposal / 1975
Survival of pathogens in animal manure disposal / 1973
Total coliform rule : factsheet / 1995
Total coliform rule. 1991
Virulence mechanisms of bacterial pathogens / 1988

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