Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 18
Showing: Items 1 - 18
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Partnership United States)

Select Item Title Year Published
Agency, associations, employment, licensing and partnerships cases, statutes and analysis / 1982
Agency, partnership, and the LLC in a nutshell / 2012
Agency, partnership, and the LLC in a nutshell / 2008
Capitalizing on collaboratives : new partners for community development finance / 1996
Change the world. Start here ... : Energy star and other voluntary programs : 2001 annual report. 2002
Coastal America : a partnership for action. 1991
Design for the environment : building partnerships for environmental improvement. 1999
Energy star and other climate protection partnerships : 2006 annual report. 2007
Energy star and other climate protection partnerships : 2009 annual report. 2010
Fossil fuels lessons learned in DOE's Clean Coal Technology Program : report to the Chairman, Subcommittee on Energy and Power, Committee on Energy and Commerce, House of Representatives / 1994
Handbook on the law of agency and partnership / 1979
Office of Atmospheric Programs climate protection partnerships : 2013 annual report / 2015
Office of Atmospheric Programs: climate protection partnerships : 2012 annual report / 2014
Project Partnership kit / 2001
Review of the research program of the FreedomCar and fuel partnership. 2005
The law of corporations, partnerships, and sole proprietorships / 1997
The power of partnerships : Energy star and other voluntary programs : 2000 annual report. 2001
Unincorporated business associations including agency, partnership, and limited liability companies : cases and materials / 2006

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