Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 1117
Showing: Items 501 - 550
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Particulates)

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Select Item Title Year Published
Illinois Annual Air Quality Report, 2000. 2001
Illinois Annual Air Quality Report, 2001. 2002
Illinois Annual Air Quality Report, 2002. 2003
Illinois Annual Air Quality Report, 2003. 2004
Illinois Annual Air Quality Report, 2004. 2005
Imaging mass spectrometry of particulate-associated polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons / 1996
Impact of fuels on diesel exhaust emissions. A chemical and biological characterization. 1991
Impact of Increased Electrification on Air Quality for Three Selected Regions. 1976
Impact of Natural Gas Shortage on Major Industrial Fuel-Burning Installations. Volume I. Text. 1977
Impact of Natural Gas Shortage on Major Industrial Fuel-Burning Installations. Volume II. Schedules (Data and Tables). 1977
Implementation Plan for Suspended Particulate Matter in the Los Angeles Region. Technical Support Documents. 1. Analysis of Air Monitoring Data. 2. Emission Inventories and Projections. 3. Air Quality - Emission Level Relationship. 4. Alternative Emission Control Measures. 1976
Implementation plan review for Alaska required by the Energy Supply and Environmental Coordination Act. 1974
Implementation plan review for Colorado required by the energy supply and environmental coordination act. 1974
Implementation plan review for Florida required by the Energy supply and environmental coordination act / 1974
Implementation plan review for Guam as required by the Energy supply and environmental coordination act. 1975
Implementation plan review for Illinois as required by the Energy supply and environmental coordination act. 1975
Implementation plan review for Kentucky as required by the Energy Supply and Environmental Coordination Act. 1974
Implementation plan review for Maine as required by the Energy supply and environmental coordination act. 1974
Implementation plan review for Massachusetts as required by the Energy supply and environmental coordination act. 1974
Implementation plan review for Mississippi required by the Energy Supply and Environmental Coordination Act. 1975
Implementation plan review for Missouri required by the Energy Supply and Environmental Coordination Act. 1975
Implementation Plan Review for Nebraska as Required by the Energy Supply and Environmental Coordination Act. 1974
Implementation plan review for Nevada required by the Energy Supply and Environmental Coordination Act. 1975
Implementation plan review for New Jersey as required by the Energy supply and environmental coordination act. 1974
Implementation plan review for New Mexico as required by the Energy supply and environmental coordination act. 1974
Implementation plan review for North Dakota [as] required by the Energy supply and environmental coordination act. 1975
Implementation plan review for Pennsylvania as required by the Energy supply and environmental coordination act. 1975
Implementation plan review for South Dakota [as] required by the Energy supply and environmental coordination act. 1975
Implementation plan review for Utah required by the energy supply and environmental coordination act. 1974
Implementation Plan Review for Virgin Islands As Required by the Energy Supply and Environmental Coordination Act. 1975
Implementation plan review for West Virginia as required by the Energy supply and environmental coordination act. 1975
Improved Algorithms for Estimating the Effects of Pollution Impacts from Area and Open Pit Sources (1996). 1996
Improved Algorithms for Estimating the Effects of Pollution Impacts from Area and Open Pit Sources. 1995
In-process control of nitrogen and sulfur in entrained-bed gasifiers / 1986
In-stack transmissometer evaluation and application to particulate opacity measurement / 1975
In-use performance of Daimler-Benz light-duty diesel particulate trap oxidizers / 1988
Increases in Levels of Breathable Fine Particulates Due to the Application of Carpet Fresheners in a Suburban Home. 1998
Indoor air - assessment : methods of analysis for environmental carcinogens / 1990
Indoor Air Quality Model for Particulate Matter. 2000
Indoor Air Quality Modeling, Phase 1 Report. Framework for Development of General Models. 1985
Indoor Environmental Quality and Heating, Ventilating, and Air Conditioning Survey of Small and Medium-Sized Commercial Buildings. 2011
Indoor Environmental Quality and Heating, Ventilating, and Air Conditioning Survey of Small and Medium-Sized Commercial Buildings. Appendices C through G. 2011
Industrial boiler furnace sorbent injection algorithm development / 1988
Industrial Source Complex Long Term (ISCLT) (for Microcomputers). 1993
Industrial Source Complex LongTerm (ISCLT) (for Microcomputers). 1992
Industrial Source Complex Short Term (ISCST) (for Microcomputers). 1992
Industrial Source Complex Short Term (ISCST) (for Microcomputers). 1993
Influence of Carbon Burnout on Submicron Particle Formation from Emulsified Fuel Oil Combustion. 2000
Influence of Paticulate Metter of Ambient Origin upon Indoor Residential Mass Concentrations Involving Sensitive Subpopulations: Results from Longitudinal Panel Studies. 2003
Influence of Water Quality on Enteric Virus Concentration by Microporous Filter Methods. 1984
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