Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 1117
Showing: Items 101 - 150
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Particulates)

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Select Item Title Year Published
Assessment of the Male Reproductive System in the Preweaning Rat Following Mn3O4 Exposure. 1985
Assessment of the Temporal Relationship between Daily Summertime Ultra-Fine Particulate Count Concentration with PM2.5 and Black Carbon Soot in Washington, DC. 1996
Atmopheric Mercury Measurements: Recent Observations in the Great Lakes Basin. 1992
Atmospheric emissions from asphalt roofing processes / 1974
Augmentation of Sulfate Ion Absorption from the Rate Lung by Heavy Metals. 1977
Background information for standards of performance: coal preparation plants / 1974
Background Information for Standards of Performance: Coal Preparation Plants. Volume 3. Supplemental Information. 1976
Baghouse Filtraion Products Verfication Testing, How it Benefits the Boiler Baghouse Opearator. 2002
Baghouse filtration products verification / 1998
Bahco flue gas desulfurization and particulate removal system / 1979
Bahco flue gas desulfurization and particulate removal system : capsule report. 1979
Battery-Powered PM-10 Indoor Air Samplers Applied to Unvented Third World Residential Combustion Sources. 1993
Behavioral assays for effects of drilling muds on marine animals / 1981
Benefits analysis of alternative secondary national ambient air quality standards for sulfur dioxide and total suspended particulates : final analysis. 1982
Benefits Analysis of Alternative Secondary National Ambient Air Quality Standards for Sulfur Dioxide and Total Suspended Particulates. Volume 2. 1982
Benefits Analysis of Alternative Secondary National Ambient Air Quality Standards for Sulfur Dioxide and Total Suspended Particulates. Volume 4. 1982
Benefits Analysis of Alternative Secondary National Ambient Air Quality Standards for Sulfur Dioxide and Total Suspended Particulates. Volume 5. 1982
Benefits Analysis of Alternative Secondary National Ambient Air Quality Standards for Sulfur Dioxide and Total Suspended Particulates. Volume 6. 1982
Benefits of the proposed inter-state air quality rule. 2004
Best available technology (BACT) recommendation for control of particulate emissions from the proposed hazardous waste incineration facility of Waste Technologies Industries, East Liverpool, Ohio. 1982
Bio-Optics of the Chesapeake Bay from Measurements and Radiative Transfer Calculations. 2005
Bioassay and Chemical Analysis of Ambient Air Particulate Extracts Fractionated by Using Nonaqueous Anion-Exchange Solid Phase Extraction. 1993
Bioassay-Directed Chemical Analysis in Environmental Research. 1986
Bioassay-Directed Fractionation of the Organic Extract of SRM 1649 Urban Air Particulate Matter. 1990
Biomarkers of Exposure to Particulate Air Pollution in the Czech Republic. 2000
Blast furnace slips and accompanying emissions as an air pollution source / 1976
Calculation of emission factors for agricultural burning activities / 1975
CALINE: California Line Source Model (for Microcomputers). 1992
CALINE: California Line Source Model. EPA/ORD (Environmental Protection Agency/Office of Research and Development) Air Quality Simulation Model. 1989
Capital and operating costs of selected air pollution control systems / 1976
Carbonaceous aerosol generator for inhalation studies / 1980
Cardiopulmonary Health Effects: Toxicity of Semi-Volatile and Non-Volatile Components of PM. 2013
CASAC review of the draft diesel health assessment document / 1998
CASTNet : National Dry Deposition Network 1990-1992 status report / 1995
Chamber Simulation of Fine Particle Penetration into Houses. 2001
Characterizataion and Control of Fine Particles: Overview of NRMRL Research Activities. 2000
Characterization of aerosol consumer products / 1995
Characterization of Aerosols from a Water-Based Cleaner Applied with a Hand-Pump Sprayer. 2000
Characterization of air emissions from the simulated open combustion of fiberglass materials / 1993
Characterization of Air Pollutants from an Activated Sludge Process. 1981
Characterization of Emissions from Combustion Sources: Controlled Studies. 1987
Characterization of emissions from handheld two-stroke engines. 2000
Characterization of Emissions from Malfunctioning Vehicles Fueled with Oxygenated Gasoline-Ethanol (E-10) Fuel. Part 2. 2002
Characterization of Emissions from Malfunctioning Vehicles Fueled with Oxygenated Gasoline-Ethanol (E-10) Fuel. Part 3. 2001
Characterization of Environmental Tobacco Smoke. 1989
Characterization of gas- and particle-phase emissions from on-road motor vehicles / 2008
Characterization of Mud/Dirt Carryout onto Paved Roads from Construction and Demolition Activities. 1995
Characterization of organic matter in soil and aquifer solids / 1997
Characterization of PM 10 and TSP air quality around western surface coal mines / 1982
Characterization of PM-10 Emissions from Antiskid Materials Aplied to Ice- and Snow-Covered Roadways. Phase 2. 1995
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