Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Particulate sampling)

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Select Item Title Year Published
A study of the formation and transport of acidic species by non-precipitating cumulus clouds during VENTEX-84 / 1986
Annular Denuder Sampler for Phase-Distributed Semivolatile Organic Chemicals. 1989
Application guide for the source PM10 exhaust gas recycle sampling system / 1989
Automation of the Resistivity Measurement for Fly Ash. 1988
Characterization of Stack Emissions from Municipal Refuse-to-Energy Systems. 1986
Chemical Mass Balance (CMB) Receptor Model (Version 6.0) (for Microcomputers). 1987
CMB users' manual (version 6.0) / 1987
Comparison of polyurethane foam and XAD-2 resin as collection media for polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons in air / 1986
Composite Receptor Method Applied to Philadelphia Aerosol. 1988
Critical review of open source particulate emission measurements : field comparison / 1986
Detection of Direct-Acting Mutagens in Ambient Air: A Comparison of Two Highly Sensitive Mutagenicity Assays. 1992
Development and Evaluation of Composite Receptor Methods. 1988
Development of a sampling system for surface dust-borne contaminants / 1987
Development of sampling methods for source PM10 emissions / 1989
Dichotomous Samplers Modified for Use with Electron Microscopy. 1990
Effects of Sampling Nozzles on the Particle Collection Characteristics of Inertial Sizing Devices. 1987
Ferroalloy Industry Particulate Emissions: Source Category Report. 1986
Field Evaluation of Resource Recovery of Hazardous Wastes. 1986
Field Investigation of Sulfite Fluxes to a Deciduous Forest. 1989
Hazardous Dust Control. 1986
Heavy-duty engine testing report : correlation testing of Mack EM G-285 / 1987
Hot mix asphalt plants, truck loading, manual methods testing : asphalt Plant D, Barre, Massachusetts : final report. 2000
Identification, assessment, and control of fugitive particulate emissions / 1986
Indoor Air Sampling and Mutagenicity Studies of Emissions from Unvented Coal Combustion (Journal Version). 1987
Indoor Air Sampling and Mutagenicity Studies Related to Emissions from Unvented Coal Combustion. 1986
Integrated Air Cancer Project, Source Measurement. 1986
Investigation of Source Emission PM-10 Particulate Matter Field Studies of Candidate Methods. 1986
Iron and steel industry particulate emissions : source category report / 1986
Lime and Cement Industry Particulate Emissions: Source Category Report. Volume 1. Lime Industry. 1986
Lime and Cement Industry Particulate Emissions: Source Category Report. Volume 2. Cement Industry. 1987
Local and Regional Contributions to Urban Particulate Matter. 1986
Multivariate Assessment of Meteorological Influences on Inhalable Particle Source Impacts. 1985
Particulate Sampling and Analysis. 1984
Pilot-scale incineration test burn of TCDD-contaminated trichlorophenol production waste / 1987
PM10 SIP development guideline. 1987
PM10 Sampler Evaluation Program: January 1985 to July 1986. 1987
Pollutant Sampler for Measurements of Atmospheric Acidic Dry Deposition. 1986
Preliminary Air Pollution Survey of Mercury and Its Compounds. A Literature Review. 1969
Proceedings : Seventh Symposium on the Transfer and Utilization of Particulate Control Technology (7th).: volume 2, report for March 87-March 88 / 1989
Proceedings, Advances in Particle Sampling and Measurement : (Daytona, FL Oct 1981) / 1989
Protocol for reconciling differences among receptor and dispersion models / 1987
Quantification of particulate emission rates from vacuum cleaners / 1989
Relationships Involving Fine Particle Mass, Fine Particle Sulfur and Ozone during Episodic Periods at Sites in and around St. Louis, Missouri. 1985
Second addendum to air quality criteria for particulate matter and sulfur oxides (1982) : assessment of newly available health effects information. 1986
Second addendum to Air quality criteria for particulate matter and sulfur oxides (1982) : assessment of newly available health effects information. 1986
Sensitivity Analysis of RELMAP (REgional Lagrangian Model of Air Pollution) Involving Fine and Coarse Particulate Matter. 1986
Source Sampling: Methods and Equipment. 1956
Sources of Air Pollutants Indoors: VOC and Fine Particulate Species. 1991
Stability of polynuclear aromatic compounds collected from air on quartz fiber filters and XAD-2 resin : project summary / 1986
Summary of comments and responses for methods 5B and 5F / 1986
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