Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Particulate Matter)

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Select Item Title Year Published
2008 National Emissions Inventory : review, analysis and highlights / 2013
A dynamic three-dimensional air pollution exposure model for Hong Kong / 2018
A review of the impacts of climate variability and change on aeroallergens and their associated effects / 2008
A Review of the Impacts of Climate Variability and Change on Aeroallergens and Their Associated Effects. 2006
Aerobiology : the toxicology of airborne pathogens and toxins / 2016
Air CHIEF / 2003
Air CHIEF / 2004
Air CHIEF, Version 12.0 (on CD-ROM). 2005
Air CHIEF, Version 7.0 (on CD-ROM). 1999
Air CHIEF, Version 8.0 (on CD-ROM). 2001
Air CHIEF, Version 9.0 (on CD-ROM). 2002
Air pollution and health / 2006
Air pollution and turbulence : modeling and applications / 2010
Air quality guide for particle pollution. 2023
Air quality modeling technical support document : ozone source apportionment application in support of the designation process for the ozone NAAQS. 2010
Airborne particulate matter : sources, atmospheric processes, and health / 2016
Ambient air quality monitoring and health research : summary of April 16-17, 2008 workshop to discuss key issues. 2008
Ambient and controlled particle exposures as triggers for acute ECG changes / 2016
An Air Quality Study of the Libby and Flathead Valleys, November, 1968-August, 1970 1970
Analysis of personal and home characteristics associated with the elemental composition of PM2.5 in indoor, outdoor, and personal air in the RIOPA study / 2015
Application of a Microscale Emission Factor Model for Particulate Matter (MicroFacPM) in Conjunction with CALINE4 Model. 2002
Application of a Microscale Emission Factor Model for Particulate Matter (MicroFacPM) to Calculate Vehicle Generated Contribution of PM(sub 2.5) Emissions. 2002
Assessment and optimization of ASTM D7096 simulated distillation for quantifying heavy hydrocarbons in gasoline / 2023
Bayesian space-time downscaling fusion model (downscaler) : derived estimates of air quality for 2017 / 2020
Bayesian space-time downscaling fusion model (downscaler) : derived estimates of air quality for 2018 / 2021
Bayesian space-time downscaling fusion model (downscaler) : derived estimates of air quality for 2019 / 2022
Bayesian space-time downscaling fusion model (downscaler) : derived estimates of air quality for 2020 2023
Bioaerosol detection technologies / 2014
Brake and tire wear emissions from on-road vehicles in MOVES2014 / 2015
C omo preparar una habitaci on limpia en casa : hoja informativa sobre el humo de incendios forestales 2023
Canadian environmental sustainability indicators : air quality. 2023
Characterization of gas- and particle-phase emissions from on-road motor vehicles / 2008
Characterizing ultrafine particles and other air pollutants in and around school buses / 2014
Chemical and Physical Characteristics of Outdoor, Indoor, and Personal Particulate Air Samples Collected in and Around a Retirement Facility. 2000
Clean Air Scientific Advisory Committee (CASAC) Ambient Air Monitoring and Methods (AAMM) Subcommittee consultation on methods for measuring coarse-fraction particulate matter (PMc) in ambient air (July 2004) 2004
Clean ports USA : navigating toward cleaner ports / 2005
Cleaner Diesels: Low Cost Ways to Reduce Emissions from Construction Equipment. 2007
Combustion emissions technical resource document (CETRED) / 1994
Compendium of methods for the determination of inorganic compounds in ambient air. 1999
Controlling particulate matter under the Clean Air Act : a menu of options / 1996
Current knowledge of particulate matter (PM) continuous emission monitoring. 2000
Data quality objectives (DQOs) for relating federal reference method (FRM) and continuous PM2.5 measurements to report an air quality index (AQI). 2002
Diesel Particulate Measurement Research, 2007. Executive Summary Report. 2008
Diesel Particulate Measurement Research, 2007. Phase 2, Final Report. 2007
Diesel Particulate Measurement Research, 2007. Phase 3, Final Report. 2007
Diesel PM model to measurement comparison. / 2002
Dynamic Evaluation of 2006 - 2010 Ozone Trends in AQMEII-2 North American Domain Simulations. 2015
Economic impact analysis for the proposed standards of performance for steel plants : Electric arc furnaces and argon-oxygen decarburization vessels 2022
Economic impacts of the Category 3 Marine Rule on Great Lakes Shipping / 2012
Emission Processing for an Air Quality Forecasting Model. 2003
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